Versions of RBD and Daniel Bisogno disagree before the death.webp

Versions of RBD and Daniel Bisogno disagree, before the death of Alberto Clavijo El Universal

Unfortunately the Spanish photographer Alberto Clavijo passed away last Wednesday after an accident during an event hosted by Smirnoff vodka brand, which was launching a new version of their product, based on the image of RBDa group that remained silent for three days before releasing a statement on the death of Clavijo, until last night when he sent a message in which they expressed their condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased and also denied any responsibility related to the accident.

Daniel Bisogno announced the news during this Thursday’s “Ventaneando” show, explaining that it was a good friend of his who had performed at the launch of the Smirnoff Tamarindo RBD Edition, a collaboration between the alcoholic beverage brand and the group that was announced last April. However, as the event drew to a close, Alberto offered to take his jackets and companions to the area where they were hanging, but when he tried to get hold of them, the surface he was holding on to collapsed and he fell from the ground he was on four stories down, at a height of about 20 meters.

According to the driver, at the time of his transfer to the Spanish Hospital closest to Bicentennial Park, where the Smirnoff event took place, Clavijo, 32, still had his vital signs. He also noted that given Alberto’s fall, who died of respiratory failure, it took a considerable amount of time for anyone to do anything. Bisogno also denied that his friend received timely care from local medical services, event organizers said in a statement.

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“It’s a lie that he was treated; I’ll tell you what happened when he falls, without reaching the jacket, he gains a little weight and falls on his mouth, with a false ceiling, it was four floors he fell from and the other friend of ours who was accompanying him was yelling at all the organizers who were there,” he said.

Furthermore, Daniel emphasized that despite the fact that the statement said that “the group, the image of the campaign, (…) was not on site during the event”, this was a completely false statement, since both Dulce María, Maite Perroni, Christian CHávez and Christopher Von Uckerman as well as the organizers and security of the event were still on the premises.

Up to that point, the group had not made any decision on the matter until yesterday, when they published a statement on their social networks, firstly regretting the death of the Spanish photographer and also taking the opportunity to clarify that they were not involved in the accident, since they were not even present at the time of the fall, which would differ from what Bisogno said: “Don’t let them pretend they weren’t there,” said the driver.

“All RBDs deeply regret what happened this Wednesday at the event we were hired to host by Smirnoff.

This is a very unfortunate fact that breaks our hearts deeply. We send all our love and sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of Alberto Clavijo.

We also want to clarify that neither RBD nor its team were on site when the events took place, nor were they involved in the organization of the event.”

RBD statement on the death of Alberto Clavijo. Photo: Instagram

And although Anahí was not present at this event due to her ear injury, she spoke about the event on her social networks and regretted the departure of Clavijo, who worked as a photographer for the singer, in the campaign of the baby clothing brand “Baby Creysi”.

“There will never be the right words for something so painful… Although I wasn’t at the event, I don’t know who organized it or who is responsible for what happened, but Alberto’s family counts on me with all their hearts,” he described in his networks.

At those words, Bisogno responded to the RBD member with a message revealing the good relationship he has with Anahí, whom he described as an “angel”: “You are a queen and always will be!

Finally, it should be noted that the TV presenter pointed out that Alberto Clavijo’s case is under investigation for manslaughter and that the photographer’s family traveled from Spain and arrived in Mexico City last Friday without it being entirely clear whether they would carry out the funeral or just return Alberto’s remains to his home country.

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