Very Aggressive The Black Mamba Snake the most dangerous suffers

“Very Aggressive”: The Black Mamba Snake, the most dangerous, suffers a vital attack from the greatest enemy NA More

Have you ever heard that honey badgers are the only species that dare to face poisonous snakes? Behold, the mongoose became the real nightmare of snakes, even the strongest in the world, the black mamba. An impressive record shows a deadly fight between a mongoose and a black mamba snake.

black mambaVideo shows fatal fight between black mamba and mongoose. Photo: Internet/ND

The venom of the black mamba snake is three times that of the Cape cobra, five times that of the king cobra and 40 times that of the Gaboon viper. The adult black mamba is about 4 meters long and weighs an average of 1.5 kg. Because it is so dangerous, it has few enemies in nature.

However, the mongoose, one of its great enemies, is an excellent hunter. Although it is a small animal, resembling the size of a domestic cat, with an elongated tail and four rather short legs.

In video of the encounter, the black mamba emerged in the mongoose’s territory and the animal attacked the dreaded snake. The mongoose’s weapons are long, pointed claws combined with powerful jaws. They are highly intelligent and aggressive predators.

In the video you can see that he moves in front of the black mamba and looks for an opportunity to attack. However, the black mamba’s venom is so potent that a single bite is enough to kill an adult male in 20 minutes. Who do you think did better in this deadly clash?

Check it out in the video: