“Like the way they were demonstrating in a town hall and planning to organize the coup d’état, brothers, they are the same again, but in our city there has been an awakening of conscience in 2020. Make no mistake,” said the vice-chairman.
Before the auditorium, in which the leader of the Movement towards Socialism – Political Instrument for People’s Sovereignty (MAS-IPSP), Evo Morales, deputy of the majority faction and leader of social organizations, Choquehuanca thanked the support of the popular forces.
He recalled that the process of change suffered a violent disruption with the 2019 coup, but was restored with the support of 55 percent of voters in the 2020 elections.
“We have experienced a year of sadness, uncertainty, weeping, grief, discouragement, torture, extrajudicial executions, human rights abuses, political persecution and imprisonment,” he recalled, referring to crimes such as the massacres by Sacaba and Senkata.
He reiterated that the realignment of the right with coup intentions was a reality, as demonstrated by the September 30 City Hall run by the powerful groups in Santa Cruz.
Faced with these anti-democratic plans, the Vice President called for the unity of the people to defend not only democracy but also natural resources like lithium.
As he said, in the year of the breach of the constitutional order, the de facto government started the process of “privatizing” these reserves, but Luis Arce’s government stopped it.
“They want to split us up to steal our lithium,” he said, reporting that this mineral will bring Bolivia $30 billion in revenue, 10 times more than what is generated by selling gas.
“If we unite, we all win,” concluded Choquehuanca.