VIDEO AMLO votes to withdraw mandate and calls for participation

(VIDEO) AMLO votes to withdraw mandate and calls for participation

Written in NATIONAL on 04/10/2022 09:02

Accompanied by his wife Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) cast his vote for the consultation on the revocation of the mandate this morning.

The President agreed in the Crate installed in the Art Museum of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit on Moneda Street in the historical center.

AMLO arrived at the place around 8:40 a.m. He was not the first to vote because some people with disabilities had entered a few minutes earlier.

When leaving the polling station, López Obrador called on the citizens exercise their voting rights and participate in the query. The President asserted that democracy must become “habitual” and that no one should feel “absolute”.

“Let no one forget that people add and people take away,” AMLO told the media.

AMLO pays tribute to Emiliano Zapata in the revocation consultation

On social media, President López Obrador paid a “homage” to the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata as part of the anniversary of his assassination in Morelos.

“Before I go to the vote, I wanted to give him this little tribute. I leave it to you with Amparito Ochoas Corrido,” AMLO shared via Twitter in a release that he accompanied with a video and the song.

“Today is another anniversary of the cowardly assassination of Emiliano Zapata in Chinameca, Morelos. Zapata was an honest man, an exemplary leader who, as he himself said, went to the revolution not to become landowners, but to guarantee the peasants’ right to the land,” stressed the head of the executive branch.

In the days before, AMLO had expected that if he voted in the referendum, he would support the revocation of his mandate Legend Long live Zapata!