VIDEO: Anitta asks presenter to slide finger into anus and then smell it

Written in BRAZIL on 20230522 08:41

The singer anita did another of his this weekend and has gone viral on social media after participating in the show.Sports bar stool“, American blog about sports and pop culture.

She just asked to feel that smell from the anus In Caleb Pressleythe presenter of the show.

After revealing that she has a tattoo on her anus and promoting her brand of intimate perfumes, the singer said. “Think with me: we have both sides of the ass, right? You spend all day on it. [se esfregando] and sweat. “Ultimately, as always, she smells her ass” when it comes to the importance of her product.

“Now if you go to the toilet and do that [passar o dedo no ânus e cheirar]it will smell like this [ruim]’ the singer added. Caleb joked that this was about her. Anitta then told him to go to the bathroom, rub his ass with his finger and let her smell it. “Bring it and I’ll show you it smells bad,” he challenged.

Then he did as she asked. Anitta sniffed the moderator’s finger and made a disgusted face. Afterwards, she encouraged him to smell his own finger, but Caleb refused. “I, no, that’s crazy,” he said.

Watch the video below: