video broken quotRainquot Money after frustrated robbery in Buenos Aires

video broken "Rain" Money after frustrated robbery in Buenos Aires

Posted on 03/31/2023 21:40

    (Credit: Reproduction/Twitter @Ahora_Py)

(Credit: Reproduction/Twitter @Ahora_Py)

It rained seven million pesos in an attempted robbery this Friday (March 31). pulling the victim’s back.

When approached by the criminals, the victim, identified only as Juan Cruz, attempted to respond to the robbery and withdrew his backpack. In the confusion, the luggage finally opened and the money was distributed on the street. According to the local press, the amount did not belong to the young man, he was on his way to the BBVA bank to deposit the weights, which belonged to the company he works for.

A video of the money scattered in Belgrano is circulating on social media. In the pictures you can see a group of people running towards the banknotes and trying to get an amount. According to the newspaper El País Argentina, neighbors of the place where the case took place tried to help save the millionaire value, but 70,000 (approx.

The robbers managed to escape. Prosecutors in the Saavedra and Núñez neighborhoods are investigating the case to identify the perpetrators.

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