VIDEO Doctor hits an elderly woman in the face during

VIDEO: Doctor hits an elderly woman in the face during eye surgery Revista Fórum

Written in GLOBAL on December 22, 2023 · 8:05 p.m

A disgusting video went viral on social media this Friday (22), sparking outrage among Internet users around the world. In it, a doctor appears in an operating room performing an operation on the eyes of an 82yearold patient in the southern Chinese city of Guigang, a metropolis with just over five million inhabitants. Suddenly the professional begins to punch the woman in the face, who contorts under the blows during the operation.

The recording was made in 2019, but only came to light when a famous doctor in China had access to the images and posted them online. As far as we know, no one knew what was happening until then. The place where the operation was performed is Aier Eye Hospital, the largest private network of its kind in the country.

The doctor who posted the video, Ai Fen, became famous in China for being the first to report that a deadly virus, later identified as SarsCov2, was spreading the hecatomb of the Covid19 pandemic across the planet caused many human deaths, which they say were initially covered up by the Chinese authorities. She underwent surgery at Aier Eye Hospital several years ago and said she went blind after the procedure.

The management of the private hospital released a statement saying that what happened “happened because the doctor gave warning instructions to the patient not to move her eyes at that moment, but that the elderly woman did not would have understood because she spoke.” a dialect that is very different from Mandarin.” . Aier Eye Hospital admitted that the ophthalmologist “treated the patient rudely in an emergency situation.” The management of the private healthcare group gave a different version to the British broadcaster BBC, saying that “the patient had intolerance during the operation due to local anesthesia.”

In the video you can see how nurses approach the elderly woman's stretcher and contort herself with the blows, so that they then hold her legs and immobilize her. The woman was left blind in one eye, although the family claims they do not know whether the attack was related to vision loss. Her son also confirmed that his mother was “compensated” with $70 (R$330) because the operation was unsuccessful.

Management at Aier Eye Hospital reported that the company's CEO was fired after the video was discovered and that the doctor who performed the procedure was suspended from his position in the department.

Watch the video: