VIDEO: Gaby Spanic complains that she suffered sexual harassment in La Casa de los Famosos

Venezuelan actress Gabriela Spanic surprised the public by saying that she was a victim of sexual harassment by one of the residents in the first season of La Casa de los Famosos (LCDLF).

According to Spanic, Mexican singer Pablo Montero touched her inappropriately during the latest episode of the reality show Secretos de Villanas.

“I suffered a crime there. If it’s a crime, there’s no valid secrecy letter… It was someone I respect very much and have known for years, and I have no qualms about saying it. That was it. “Pablo Montero,” he said.

The dancer also said that Montero opened the room designated for smoking while she was inside.

“Suddenly he grabbed my cigarette and it fell on my breasts. He started grabbing my breasts. He grabbed my arm and tried to kiss me forcefully. I screamed, get me out of here,” she recalled.

The actress claimed that the singer was under the influence of alcohol during the abuse.

Spanic confessed the alleged abuse to his program colleagues Cynthia Klitbo, Aylín Mujica, Laura Zapata, Geraldine Bazán, Sabine Moussier and Maritza Rodríguez.

He claimed that the production of the program achieved nothing and that he protected Montero for these actions.

In a meeting with the press, Spanic assured that she was thinking about filing a formal complaint about the incident, but “they charged me almost 2 million pesos and I am a single mother.”

The actress assures that Montero asked her for an apology after the incident in 2021.

Montero has not commented on the matter.

Alicia Machado, Ivonne Montero and Madison Anderson won the first parts of the program.

The fourth season of LCDLF starts in January 2024 with 23 residents, more cameras and new rules from La Jefa.