Video of the hurricane between Russia and Ukraine with strong

Video of the hurricane between Russia and Ukraine with strong winds and very high waves: 2 million people without power Virgilio Rekordie

They are scary Pictures of the hurricane which fell on the Southern Russia and Ukrainein a fight Crimea. The bad weather also caused very serious damage dead and injured. Russian sources described the atmospheric event as a real “Armageddon.”

Hurricane between Russia and Ukraine: Two people died due to bad weather

According to the Tass agency, the consequences of the hurricane, which has already hit areas affected by the ongoing conflict since February 2022, are very high. Two people lost their lives due to bad weather: one a Sochithe other in Crimea.

Ten others are injured while almost injured 2 million people that stayed without electricity in southern Russia, the Energy Ministry said. According to the report, power outages occurred in more than 2,000 towns and villages in 16 regions of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

The storm was impressive: i The wind reached 40 meters per second and caused great damage. Several homes were destroyed and flooded, trees were uprooted and at least 50 flights took off or landed Moscow airports They were canceled due to the hurricane.

For the President of the Crimean Parliament it is “Armageddon”

In addition to the images posted by Zelensky and the video reshared by Ansa (which you can see at the top of this article), the words of the Speaker of the Crimean Parliament, Vladimir Konstantinovto what happened.

According to Russian sources, Kostantinov called the storm “an Armageddon,” i.e. an apocalyptic event. The reference is on heavy snowfall and to the very strong winds that destroyed homes and cars and forced authorities to take numerous measures to rescue people from flooded homes.

“Not even the elderly residents remember winds and waves of this intensity,” the president added. It is reported that the change in temperature caused a Tropical Aquarium Massacre In Sevastopol Zoo.

The scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand He did not deny the catastrophic magnitude of the hurricane that struck Russia and Ukraine: he defined them extreme and unprecedented conditionsand claimed it was the strongest storm ever to hit that area of ​​Europe.

Message from Volodymyr Zelensky to the cities affected by the storm

In his post on

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“I am grateful to all emergency responders, public service workers, national police, local authorities and engineers who are working around the clock to help everyone,” he said, adding that engineers are already working to restore power in the affected areas to restore areas.

Photo source: ANSA