Video Plane is struck by lightning and passengers are thrown

Video: Plane is struck by lightning and passengers are thrown through the air

In addition to people, several items belonging to the passengers were thrown into the air by lightning and turbulence | Photo: Playback/Twitter

Seven passengers on a Lufthansa flight have been hospitalized after being struck by lightning on Wednesday.. The plane reportedly encountered severe turbulence and several people and objects were thrown into the air. The moment it was struck by the electrical discharge, the huge object was in free fall.

The flight was en route from Austin (Texas, USA) to Frankfurt (Germany) and the accident occurred over the state of Tennessee, also in the USA.

Videos and photos of the accident damage were shared on social networks. It can be seen that seat panels, trays, cushions, food and cutlery are scattered throughout the plane. The shock happened during service on board the Airbus A330.

Watch the video:

One of the passengers told NBC4’s report: that one of the commissars was thrown straight to the ceiling. Another revealed the seatmate had to be removed from the plane due to bleeding and injuries in the wheelchair.

The moment of free fall provided moments of terror. “It felt like the bottom of the plane fell off,” passenger Susan Zimmermann told ABC News. She added, “Everything was floating. For a moment you were weightless.” The incident is being investigated by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (With information “Page not found”)

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