When you do your taxes, you have to answer a very simple question, but one that’s more telling than you think: are you single, common law, or married?
In fact, your marital status transcends your relationship status in the eyes of the law. We caught up with family law and human rights notary Me Gina Cianfarano, a member of the Chambre des Notaires du Québec, to find out why.
Watch the video above to learn more about family law.
You should know that marriage can have legal ramifications. For example, we point out the mandatory creation of a family fortune, which includes all your possessions and possessions (family homes, furniture, cars, pension plans, etc.). In order to determine separation in the event of death or separation, it is important to choose a matrimonial property regime when signing the marriage contract.
A notary can inform you about your current legal protection and guide you with regard to the relevance of initiating legal protection proceedings.
for good advice, go to the notary! And to learn more about notary law, check out the other capsules in the series, produced in collaboration with the Quebec Chamber of Notaries.
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