VIDEO We drove and dodged bodies Moshiko managed to escape

VIDEO. “We drove and dodged bodies”: Moshiko managed to escape Hamas attack at a rave party

“They shot at everything that moved.” Moshiko was horrified when Hamas attacked the festival he helped organize. The “Nova Tribe” was attacked early on Saturday morning. While the revelers were still dancing, men from the Islamist movement shot into the crowd.

“When I realized something was happening, I went back to my vehicle. And then I saw terrorists opening fire in cars,” begins the traumatized young man. Under the bullets, the festival’s social media presenter managed to escape with the wounded.

But on the way to a kibbutz they believe is safe, the vehicle’s occupants encounter scenes of horror. “There were hundreds of bodies lying all over the street. There were so many deaths that we had to pull over to the side of the road. “I took care of a woman who had a bullet in her back,” assures Moshiko.

In the kibbutzim that had not yet been attacked by Hamas, “the residents were ready to defend themselves,” while in the others, “the terrorists burned and looted the houses.” When they found residents, they took them hostage,” says the survivor. “Friends were killed. Two more are hostages, I saw them on a Hamas video. I can’t believe what happened,” the young man concludes. Watch our video testimony.