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[VIDÉOS] “Get me out of here!”: Alex Perron and Clodine Desrochers, the VIPs (stars isolated in Panama)!

You shouldn't trust appearances Get me out of here! Never. Alex Perron quickly understood this when he and Clodine Desrochers were offered a VIP cruise at the start of their adventure in Panama.

Alex and Clodine (who is rarely seen on screen) took a cruise on a luxury yacht equipped with a hot tub. There was plenty of food and alcohol.

Also read: [VIDÉOS] “,Get me out of here!' was the opportunity of a lifetime for me” – Sophie Durocher

Also read: “Get Me Out of Here!”: We reveal the identities of the season two campers in Panama

VIDEOS Get me out of here Alex Perron and Clodine

Clodine Desrochers and Alex Perron during their luxury cruise in the Gulf of Panama. PHOTO PROVIDED BY TVA

As Alex discovered, the gift turned out to be “poisoned,” as “VIP” in “Get Me Out of Here!” means “lonely star in Panama.”

“I really appreciated Clodine's beautiful naivety, but she quickly became disillusioned. I had it in the back of my mind that it wouldn’t be a real VIP,” said Alex Perron in an interview with QMI Agency.

Alex and Clodine were sitting in the hot tub, eating king prawns and drinking bubbles, but in an instant the sky darkened, it rained heavily and lightning lit up the Gulf of Panama. We would have liked to organize everything with the viewer, but we wouldn't have been able to do that.

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*NO RESALE / NO RESALE* // EMBARGO: SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 7:30 p.m. // Co-hosts Alexandre Barrette and Jean-Philippe Dion in the 1st episode of the 2nd season of “Get Me Out of Here!” “, which begins Sunday, March 3, 2024, on TVA. The season takes place in Panama. PHOTO PROVIDED BY TVA PHOTO PROVIDED BY TVA

“What we didn't know and didn't expect was the storm that awaited us on the water. When we saw it coming, it went from small waves to quite a stir,” added the panelist on the “C'est Juste de la TV” show, who said “Yes in 30 seconds” when asked. He offered to take part in the show, which he is a fan of.

This competition from Mother Nature was the perfect excuse to put the cruise on hold. Alex and Clodine were taken to one of the Cayman Islands, where they spent their first night on a simple cot in the company of mosquitoes, a howler monkey and… caimans.

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Alex Perron and Clodine Desrochers had to spend the night on one of the Cayman Islands in Panama. CAPTURE / QMI AGENCY

We'll see next Sunday how it all went and what challenge awaits them when they wake up (if they managed to get some sleep).

The first day had started well for them. They were on the roof of a building with Sophie Durocher, Philippe Laprise and Sébastien Toutant. All these beautiful people had dressed in their finest garments in the heart of the forest in the skyscrapers of the Panamanian capital, rather than in the jungle.

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Philippe Laprise, Clodine Desrochers, Alex Perron, Sébastien Toutant and Sophie Durocher at the beginning of the first episode. CAPTURE / QMI AGENCY

Sophie, Philippe and Sébastien then had to face a dizzying challenge by crossing two sections of the tallest building in Central America. They climbed a steel cable from the 53rd floor, 162 meters above sea level, all while the wind increased.

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Philippe Laprise over 160 meters in the air. CAPTURE / QMI AGENCY

Philippe failed to reach the finish line, Sophie thought of her son Nicolas for encouragement and Sébastien covered the distance in record time like the athlete he is.

Dave Morissette, Audrey Roger and Rosalie Vaillancourt were also in this first episode. They sailed on a raft to collect stars. Hats off to the three brave people, including Dave, who jumped into a pond that was as tasty as crocodile legs…

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Dave Morissette, Audrey Roger and Rosalie Vaillancourt in their first challenge on a raft. They don't stay clean for long. CAPTURE / QMI AGENCY

For those wondering where Patricia Paquin, the 9th camper, is, she will be “extradited” at the end of the second episode. And it is quite a challenge that she has to overcome with snakes, as we have already told you in this article.

The winner of this season 2 will donate $50,000 to a foundation of their choice.