Vietnam and Russia reaffirm important role in parliamentary cooperation

Vietnam and Russia reaffirm important role in parliamentary cooperation

The second session of this body, which should have been held in 2020 and was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was co-chaired here this Monday by the President of the Vietnamese National Assembly, Vuong Dinh Hue, and the Chairman of the State Duma of Vietnam . the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, who arrived the day before on a working visit.

Participants of the meeting exchanged criteria, discussed and evaluated the implementation of cooperation agreements between Vietnam and the Russian Federation, and advocated for expanding the exchange of information, policies and laws in areas such as the digital economy, the development and management of cyberspace and high security Technology.

Dinh Hue and Volodin appreciated the results of recent cooperation between the two states and highlighted the practical and effective content of this second session of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, according to VNA news agency.

On his second day here, the head of the Russian State Duma was received this morning by Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong.

Earlier and upon his arrival in this capital, Volodin visited the mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh, laid a wreath at the Monument to Heroes and Martyrs and toured the traditional chamber of the Vietnamese legislature.

He also spoke with President of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue, who confirmed that Russia has always been an absolute priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy.

Dinh Hue stressed the importance of Volodin’s visit, which he said contributes to strengthening inter-parliamentary friendship and cooperation in particular and between the two countries in general, and called for the promotion of joint cooperation projects in the field of science and technology.

In view of the goal of increasing bilateral trade exchange to $10 billion by 2030, the head of the Vietnamese legislature suggested that Russia review and simplify import procedures for Vietnamese agricultural and aquatic products.

He also pointed out the need to promote negotiations and complement the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, and reiterated the importance of oil, gas and energy cooperation, an important pillar of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

For his part, Volodin agreed to highlight the good progress of bilateral relations and classified Vietnam and Russia as strategic friends. However, he noted that the two parties need to look for new forms of cooperation to further develop these relations.
