Vietnam reiterates high consideration and priority for relations with China

Vietnam reiterates high consideration and priority for relations with China

“This will be an opportunity for the leaders of both countries to continue discussing measures aimed at realizing common high-level visions and promoting a sustainable, healthy and increasingly deeper and practical development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.” , noted the Vietnamese ambassador to that country. , Pham Sao Mai.

According to the diplomat, Van Thuong will deliver important speeches at the forum, reaffirming Vietnam’s commitment to promoting peace, cooperation, economic integration and regional connectivity, as well as deepening relations with countries around the world.

In turn, in statements amplified by VNA news agency, he added that the meeting will be an opportunity to showcase the achievements of the socio-economic development of the Indochinese country and attract international resources, especially for green and digital transformation and inclusive growth.

The III Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will take place in the Chinese capital from October 17 to 20 and will be attended by representatives from 140 countries and international organizations.

In early September last year, at the 43rd Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), held in Indonesia, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh told his counterpart Li Qiang that his country’s relations with China are important and have a strategic option top priority.

Both then expressed their approval of the positive development of the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership established in 2008 and agreed to intensify regular contacts between the heads of state and government of the two countries in order to make these relations more effective, practical and intensive.

An important milestone in strengthening bilateral relations was the visit to Beijing at the end of October last year by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, the first foreign leader that China received after the 20th Congress of its Communist Party.

On this occasion, a Joint Declaration was signed, the content of which guides the development of relations in all areas and advocates for the further consolidation of the comprehensive strategic cooperation network under the motto “friendly neighborhood, comprehensive cooperation, lasting stability, with a vision for the future”. the future”.
