Violence in schools Armed attacks are on the rise

Violence in schools | Armed attacks are on the rise again

Armed attacks on educational institutions (schools, CEGEPs or universities) increased in Montreal and Laval in 2022, but decreased in Longueuil, according to police data. But apart from the 127 cases of armed violence recorded by police officers in the metropolitan area, what is particularly noticeable locally is the feeling of insecurity among young people.

Published at 7:30 p.m.


La Presse asked the police departments of Montreal, Laval and Longueuil for their data on armed attacks in 2022 at schools in their areas. The Montreal Police Service (like Laval’s) could only provide statistics on all levels of education, from elementary school to university.

The SPVM therefore responded that in 2022 it counted 80 armed and/or serious assaults in an educational institution (64 cases during supervised hours and 16 cases during unsupervised hours).

This is the highest since 2013, with case numbers ranging between 44 and 66 in recent years.

Violence in schools Armed attacks are on the rise

The Laval police also recorded an increase with 27 cases recorded, whereas since 2019 there have only been between 12 and 15 such cases annually.

In contrast, Longueuil police officers recorded a decrease in these files (20 in 2022 compared to 36 last year).

And throughout Quebec? A request for access to information from the Sûreté du Québec, received in March, shows that over the past five years, the Sûreté du Québec has listed a total of 516 cases across the province “involving a situation of armed violence in basic and secondary schools came.” “.

Since annual data have not been reported, it is not possible to see the evolution of cases.

The vicious circle of weapons

Regarding weapons found in primary and secondary schools, the Sûreté du Québec figures are worrying, as 28 rifles or shotguns (457mm-660mm) were confiscated in schools by the Sûreté du Québec in 2021-2022 (compared to 13 in 2018-2019). Additionally, 28 knives were also confiscated in 2021-2022, compared to 13 in 2018-2019.

The violent knife attack on two secondary school 3 students at the Félix-Leclerc secondary school in Repentigny left its mark at the beginning of the school year.

But when it comes to the Saint-Michel district, Marjorie Villefranche, director of the Maison d’Haïti, a flagship organization in the district, feels that the level of violence among young people has not really changed. “We did a lot of activities in the parks this summer, including some with technology devices – tablets for example – bicycles or skateboards. And everything went well. Those who are used to fighting fought, but nothing unusual. »

What Ms. Villefranche sees as a difference, however, is the feeling of insecurity among young people.

Young people have more fears, they are more suspicious of other young people, they fear for their safety. Since the pandemic, having a gun has become fashionable. They say it’s for protection.

Marjorie Villefranche, director of Maison d’Haïti

What do you tell them? “That when they come to the Maison d’Haïti they are not allowed to have any with them. Then we discuss with them and appeal to their intelligence. »

Short wick

The work of Steve Bissonnette, professor in TELUQ’s education department and specialist in school interventions, brings him alongside educational institutions that seek his expertise to improve behavior in school.

Locally, in primary and secondary schools across Quebec, Mr. Bissonnette says he observes that the 2020-2021 school year was “the most difficult.”

He has the feeling that things are a little less tense, but that the pandemic continues to mean that many people’s security is very short, “both students and school staff”.

The fact is that before the pandemic, as now, verbal violence was far more widespread than physical violence, he explains.

It is very difficult to adequately measure violence and its evolution. From the observer’s perspective, the current picture of violence does not appear catastrophic.

Still, he says, not a week goes by without a school asking him about his expertise, even though he doesn’t do “advertising or conferences.”