Virginia Fonseca poses in a bikini and the detail attracts

Virginia Fonseca poses in a bikini and the detail attracts attention Itatiaia

The influencer Virginia Fonseca caught the attention of fans on social media this Saturday (30) when she shared a bikini snapshot. It turns out that one detail caught followers' attention: the WePink owner's belly button.

“What happened to the belly button?” asked one of the influencer’s followers. “She's beautiful… but this pursuit of perfection is starting to get weird, very artificial… but she's the one who has to like it,” another person added.

In the photos, Virginia appears at the Talismã farm, which belongs to her fatherinlaw Leonardo. The businesswoman wears a green bikini next to her eldest daughter Maria Alice and also appears alone. “We have arrived in the best place in the world! Ready for 2024, may God bless,” he wrote in the caption.

Virginia had problems on Neymar's cruise

Singer Zé Felipe and influencer Virginia Fonseca are among the people who had problems on Neymar's cruise. The couple tried to leave the ship before the end of the event, but were initially prevented from doing so by the federal police, which changed again hours later. Virginia also pointed out the lack of internet, which is not included in the cruise packages.

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