Virginia Fonseca reveals health issues amid grassroots controversy and clarifies

Virginia Fonseca reveals health issues amid grassroots controversy and clarifies nannies’ pay; Clock

Virginia Fonseca spoke for the first time about the controversy surrounding her WePinklaunched base in a conversation with Leo Dias published this Monday (28). The influencer emphasized the quality of the product and explained why she remained silent when everyone asked for a job. She even opened up about the criticism she’s receiving regarding motherhood and the fact that she has four nannies.

Speaking to Dias, the businesswoman admitted that she suffered greatly from the criticism at the base of her lineage and severely affected her health. At the time of its launch, several industry influencers tested the makeup product and found that it didn’t live up to its promise in terms of the properties advertised on the packaging. A video by blogger Karen Bachini, makeup content specialist, featuring a review by the Virginia Foundation went viral at the time.

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A perfect review, a super professional Karen Bachini + a video telling the truth that this foundation is not worth 200 reais + this iconic part of the video, one of the best in Brazilian audiovisual…

And Virginia Fonseca keeps saying her foundation is the best out there.

— ZuRock Zu Serial Killers (Youtube channel)🚩🤘 (@ZurockV) April 17, 2023

Due to all the excitement online, Fonseca said she suffers from alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss. “I was having a really bad time with this basic story, I had alopecia, a hole in my head, my hair was falling out. And I was in full Miami pretending like everything was fine, everything was wonderful, nobody saw it behind it,” he revealed.

“What upset you? It seemed like an orchestrated movement to me,” said Leo Dias. “The sentence. Maybe you don’t like it and that’s okay. I’ve also bought several foundations that I didn’t like and that’s okay. Now there’s no way to badmouth the product, say that the product is bad, because it isn’t,” argued the blonde. “The quality is A. There’s an A, B and C if you want to do it. I speak with absolute certainty, I only use my foundation, me “Guaranteed to give my name. You can come and get it. I am absolutely sure my makeup artist approved the foundation, I only use my foundation,” she emphasized.

Fonseca also commented on the pressure they were putting on her to speak out. “People started saying it was a poor quality product so I could comment on that and the product didn’t cause anyone any allergies. I would say if it really did harm to someone or if it was a poor quality product but no. It’s a matter of taste. Some people like matte foundation and some people don’t, and that’s okay,” she noted. Regard:

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Virginia Fonseca reveals she suffered from alopecia following controversy at her base

— WWLBD ✌🏻 (@whatwouldlbdo) August 28, 2023

Despite the harsh criticism, Fonseca explained that he received a lot of praise for the foundation and explained why people are afraid to share their opinions on social media. “They started putting product quality on the agenda, which isn’t true, and that made me feel very bad. Because I know it’s not. And thank God there were people who had a firm hand to defend it. Because the people who said they liked the base had to endure a lot of hate,” he commented.

Leo took the opportunity and asked if Virginia was in contact with the influencer Karen Bachini. “NO [conversei]. I had already heard of her in another controversy she was involved in, but never followed her. I just saw it,” he clarified. In the chat, the Youtuber also showed pictures of how her hair developed during the stress phase. “I had no conditions [de ficar rebatendo as críticas]. I was really bad, no one knew about it. Gave me five holes [na cabeça, ocasionados pela queda capilar]”, drove away. See:

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Virginia Fonseca Reveals She Suffered From Alopecia After Controversy From Her Base Part 2

— WWLBD ✌🏻 (@whatwouldlbdo) August 28, 2023

Virginia Fonseca reveals she suffered from alopecia after a controversy with the grassroots (Photo: Reproduction/Youtube)

Maternity and Nanny

During the conversation, Leo commented that the topic was an “eternal discussion” in the public domain. “The funny thing is, if you were the celebrity, a man, it would be okay to have a babysitter. But you are a woman and a woman has to be a mother,” the journalist reflected. “Yeah, nobody talks about the parents. The problem is that I’m a woman. And when you work, you stop being a mother to people. You have to live by it [dos filhos]. And deep down I wanted it, okay? “I’m with my daughters 24 hours a day,” confessed Fonseca.

“I know that it is very tiring and exhausting for mothers to be alone with their children and to take care of the house. “I find it very tiring because there are no distractions,” he said. The journalist then raised the issue that the woman who stays at home and takes care of the children is supported by her husband for reasons of common sense.

“It goes this way. Friend, do I think I feel at home when the Marias (Maria Flor and Maria Alice) and Zé Felipe play with us? How much would I be cursed on the internet. When I was pregnant with Maria Alice “They said I received R$500,000 to get pregnant. Now imagine if I stayed at home and Zé Felipe supported me,” he said.

Virgínia, Zé Felipe and their daughters Maria Alice and Maria Flor (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

In conclusion, Virginia praised the work of the four nannies who take care of their two daughters with Zé Felipe. Leo Dias asked exactly how much salary professionals get, but the blonde said she didn’t know. According to Fonseca, she is unaware of the administrative procedures as they are the responsibility of her mother, Maria Margareth Pimenta Serrão. “I intend to keep these until I no longer have a nanny. My mother who acts [para escolher]. “The girls are great because they take care of our most valuable prize,” he said.

However, she denied an article that pointed out that the salary of each professional was about 20,000 reais. “Viu and Rafa are taking care of Maria Flor and Renata and Karina are taking care of Maria Alice. I don’t know how much they earn, my mother taking care of them. Viu and Rafa are nurses, but Renata and Karina are not, they are nannies. And what goes viral? [de valores] It’s a lie,” the influencer concluded. Check out the full interview: