VIRGO: HOROSCOPE FROM DECEMBER 18 TO 24, 2023 Simon & the Stars

I must say that you are in quite a busy time, but a trend that will prove successful for your business in the long run. As I said last week, your company is facing important changes and innovations that certainly need to be handled with caution these days. In several cases we are talking about changes in role, company, location or situations that sometimes revive events and situations from the past that you had given up for various reasons. An important turning point is also imminent for younger people who are studying or completing training, which could lead to a “consecration” through studying in 2024…

…or a contract confirmation. In short, there is excitement in the air, but we still have to hold out until mid-January. In general, you have to keep a certain intemperance and nervousness at bay, especially if you feel like you are facing this moment in complete solitude, without the support of anyone to support you (or almost). Watch the days start of the week, but I'm confident that you can ultimately find valuable support by asking for help when comparing (or conflicting) with certain contacts. Anyone who needs to extend their employment contract and has not done so recently can count on a really successful second half of January. (continues)