Virgo, relaxed rhythm that invites you to do nothing: tomorrow’s horoscope, Saturday, November 4th

Blackbeard’s horoscope for tomorrow, Saturday November 4th

Aries. 21.3. – 20.4

The Moon transit in Leo is perfect for restoring tone and bite. Endorsements from others who support your suggestions. Good opportunities to meet people, do sports, have fun and leave your worries behind.

Bull. 21.4. – 20.5

Mercury’s opposition to Uranus warns you not to take a stand on trivial matters that will cause resentment and resentment in the family. They will proceed in fits and starts, between moments of great excitement alternating with others of calm. Balance.

Twins. 21.5. – June 21st

The day brings optimism, warmth and joy. In society, there will be no shortage of opportunities to shine and attract the attention of others. If you want to solve a rather delicate problem at work, ask an expert for advice.

Cancer. 22.6. – 22.7

You appear calm, calm and have a great desire to resolve a small tantrum. Unexpected rewards. The right time to make peace. You can count on additional income that you can invest in the projects you care about.

Lion. 23.7. – 23.8

The moon shines in your sign and gives you courage and pride. The best skills to transform possible obstacles into new opportunities. Charisma and friendliness, the secret to getting noticed. Of course, you will attract attention without any pressure.

Virgo. 24.8. – 22.9

Relaxed rhythm that invites you to do nothing. Creative inspiration that you can benefit from in the coming days. Intuition supports you… Look far ahead and don’t get lost in small everyday hurdles and completely fruitless fantasies.

Balance. 23.9. – 22.10

Thanks to the favorable moon, you will find balance and sociability again. A party or social event provides opportunities for new acquaintances. Loosen your wallet a little and treat yourself to luxury spending, but without feeling guilty.

Scorpio. 10/23 – 22.11

Stay calm today as Mercury clashes with Uranus, exposing you to setbacks and unexpected events, especially while traveling and traveling. When you are nervous, speak as little as possible to avoid arguments with friends, co-workers and partners.

Protect. 11/23 – 21.12

Bright Saturday, with the Moon in Leo, in love with you as always. Charisma and a fiery energy that achieves any goal over time. Fortune smiles on you because you are the first to believe: set high goals, you will make your dreams come true.

Capricorn. 12/22 – 20.1

Apart from urgent commitments and a marked intolerance of routine, largely due to weekend fatigue, everything goes smoothly. Ability to take advantage of excellent financial opportunities. Questions of inheritance find a solution.

Aquarium. 21.1. – 19.2

On the other hand, the Moon puts relationships to the test. The results depend on how convincing and reliable you are. To get the attention of those around you, you don’t have to be flamboyant and focus on credibility.

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

At work you move forward with feet of lead, but beneath the ashes lies the will to succeed, the likely reason for a clean break, for a transformation. Changing of the guard in love! Don’t worry, a breakup clears the way for a new happy meeting.