Viva Rai 2 Il Volo eliminates Fiorello39s separation rumors

Viva Rai 2, Il Volo eliminates Fiorello's separation rumors

The flight To be continued. Guest of today's episode Thursday, February 29, 2024 To Long live Rai 2In fact, the singing trio denied the separation rumors that had been circulating for a few days. Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto and Gianluca Ginoble will not separate and will therefore continue to sing together: “The atom is divisible, we are not,” the three made clear in unison Fiorello. Let's find out all details.

Viva Rai 2, Il Volo denies the rumors

TO Long live Rai 2 Fiorello continues its review Guests directly from Sanremo 2024. After the broadcast of Dargen D'Amico from yesterday (which he was joking about). dig On his lightning-fast return to the Melonian Rai (despite his words in favor of migrants at the festival and at Domenica In), the Sicilian showman welcomed the Sicilian showman in the glass box of the Foro Italico The flight.

Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto And Gianluca Ginoble They were, in fact, the special guests on this morning's episode and were apparently immediately pressed by the studio about the recent rumors break. There has been talk for days about a possible separation of the historic trio of singers, which emerged 15 years ago at the second edition of the casting show Ti lascio una canzone and won Sanremo in 2015, but the singers wanted to clarify once and for all how things really are.

Rumors have been circulating for a long time about professional, but also and above all sentimental paths that would part ways. Piero Barone would plan a solo career, Gianluca Ginoble would be ready to travel to the USA to visit his girlfriend and Ignazio Boshetto would even organize his wedding. “The atom is divisible, we are not“, the guys from Il Volo da Fiorello to Viva Rai 2 made it clear and announced that they still have many years of their career together ahead of them. So no resolution, let alone dictated by new love relationships: “There is no Yoko Ono to divide us“All three joked.

Fiorello's “Revenge”.

Il Volo then played an impromptu a cappella version of their hit “Great love“. Fiorello joked about his “revenge” because – after Controversies of the residents of Via Asiago during the last edition – the new headquarters of Foro Italico allows it to play the music at high volume. The boys from The flight They joked in context straight from Via Asiago, sings quietly her iconic song.