1655384652 Vladimir Putin has seen another gripping table amid rumors of

Vladimir Putin has seen another gripping table amid rumors of illness

Russian President Vladimir Putin was once again spotted apparently clutching a table for his life – looking tense as his veins bulged amid mounting speculation that his health might be deteriorating.

The Kremlin leader’s deputy grip was captured in footage taken during a meeting in Moscow with Sergei Kulikov, CEO of RusNano State Corp., according to the UK Metro.

Putin’s awkward appearance echoes his meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in April, when he was seen propping up a desk, including with his right hand, while looking bloated.

And it comes days after he was seen shaking and struggling to stand during an awards ceremony at the Kremlin, where he presented filmmaker Nikita Mikhailov with the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The 69-year-old strongman’s doctors have reportedly advised him not to make “protracted” public appearances because of his “unstable medical condition” – an allegation was made on the Telegram channel General SVR, allegedly by a Kremlin military source is operated .

The report has claimed that Putin appeared to have fallen ill – suffering from “a sharp illness, weakness and dizziness” – after appearing on video with advisers a few days earlier.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with RUSNANO CEO Sergei Kulikov.Russian President Vladimir Putin saw the table during a meeting with RusNano State Corp. Grab CEO Sergei Kulikov June 15.Mikhail Metzel/Suptnik/Kremlin via REUTERS

Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend a meeting with Accounts Chamber Chairman Alexei Kudrin on June 14.Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Accounts Chamber Chairman Alexei Kudrin on June 14. Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/Kremlin via REUTERS

Putin has been plagued by rumors that he has early-stage cancer, Parkinson’s disease or dementia.

“This is not a portrait of a sane Putin, but one who appears progressively weaker and barely able to support himself at a small conference table,” body language expert Professor Erik Bucy of Texas Tech University recently told The Sun.

“Putin’s legs also look pretty thin, like he might be suffering from weight or muscle loss due to an unannounced illness,” he told the outlet. “Bullying on his face reinforces an unhealthy appearance, especially when compared to photos and videos of the Russian Prime Minister from a few years ago.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.“Putin’s legs also look pretty thin, as if he might be suffering from weight or muscle loss due to an unannounced illness,” said a body language expert. Dmitry Astakhov/Sputnik/Government Pool via AP

Meanwhile, a medical professor at St George’s University of London told The Mirror that he believes Putin has Parkinson’s.

“All this talk about thyroid cancer … if you had that five years ago it wouldn’t be a problem now,” Professor Angus Dalgleish told the news agency.

“I think the only solid evidence that we routinely see is shaking hands, and I think that’s a degenerative thing like Parkinson’s,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to Rusnano CEO Sergei Kulikov.A medical professor at St. George’s University of London believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has Parkinson’s. Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool via AP

“The tremors would be consistent with Parkinson’s and certainly the tremors he has in his hands are consistent with the disease,” Dalgleish continued, adding that Putin often presents with a “dry face,” which is “classic Parkinson’s.” ” is.

But Professor David Clarke, a defense and security analyst, told Sky News that he believes Putin actually “looks fine” – refuting claims that you can diagnose a person by looking at images in the media.

“When you see him in these clips that we’re seeing more and more frequently now that COVID is over and he’s coming out of the shadows now where he’s been for over two years and he makes it clear that he’s in control – he sees all right,” Clarke said.

Wladimir Putin.Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doctors have reportedly advised him not to make “protracted” public appearances because of his “unstable medical condition.” Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool via AP

“I’ve spoken to a number of people who say you can’t tell Parkinson’s disease from the way he walks, you can’t tell cancer symptoms just by looking at photos,” he told the outlet .

“I’m guessing he’s just a hypochondriac,” Clarke added.

“He will be 70 years old on October 7th. He’s known to get hit pretty badly with botox, I always say he’s trying to embalm himself while he’s alive,” the expert said.

“He roams with doctors, it’s known that there’s a small team of doctors who are never far away, and it’s said that he periodically leaves meetings to consult with someone,” Clarke said.

Putin is said to have bathed in blood obtained from deer antlers that are chopped off as they grow and are still full of fresh blood, according to Russian investigative agency The Project.

The Kremlin has denied all allegations that Putin is in poor health.