Vladimir Putins war against homosexuals The Press

Vladimir Putin’s war against homosexuals The Press

The state declares a specially invented “international LGBT movement” as “extremist”. This criminalizes virtually every queer person in the country.

Appearing: Masked Justice Department officials and a Supreme Court justice. The dock remains empty. The doors are locked. What is being negotiated is something that doesn’t even exist. No one can say what a non-existent movement is accused of, no one can explain how the verdict will be applied. The Department of Justice itself filed the lawsuit almost two weeks ago. An “international LGBT movement” shows “various manifestations of extremist orientation,” the letter said. The “movement” incites religious and social hatred. There was nothing specific in the accusation. It was also unclear who this was directed against.

It remained that way until the day the guilty verdict was handed down, which criminalizes virtually all people in Russia who do not live their lives according to “traditional values”, as the Russian regime imagines these “traditional values”. All those who defend the rights of sexual minorities and have done so in recent years are therefore potential “extremists”. You could face up to six years in prison.

Being homophobic is “in fashion”

It is not a Dadaist play that will be performed for more than five hours in the center of Moscow this Thursday. It is a demonstration of how Russia is banning the existence of an entire group of people.