Voglauer/Greens on the re approval of glyphosate in the EU: a ban on glyphosate would be on the agenda

Member States must show their colors and protect the environment and health

Vienna (OTS) – “The use of glyphosate is proven to be harmful to the environment and health. That is why, according to recent polls, 60 percent of EU citizens support ending approval of the herbicide. However, the EU Commission approved the approval today extended for another ten years. “Taking into account the possible dangers to the environment, the deterioration of biodiversity and the high risk to the health of mammals, a complete elimination would be the order of the day”, said Olga Voglauer, agriculture spokesman for the Green Party, criticizes the extension of the EU Commission’s approval of glyphosate for another ten years. After EU member states failed to reach an agreement in the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed Commission in October decided on its own to extend approval.

“This shows us how urgently a clear commitment to ban glyphosate is needed. In the future, more Member States will have to show their colors, follow Austria’s example and say a clear no to the extension of glyphosate approval. Decision-makers must no longer shirk their responsibilities so that we can achieve a ban on glyphosate at European level. The environment, biodiversity and our health will thank you”, says Voglauer.

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