Volodymyr Zelenskyy Russias aggression also threatens other states

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Russia’s aggression also threatens other states

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Russia at the United Nations of threatening many other states with its aggression.

“It’s not just about Ukraine,” Zelensky said Tuesday at the UN general debate in New York. “When hate is used as a weapon against a nation, it never ends,” he warned. “Every decade Russia starts a new war.”

Parts of Moldova and Georgia are occupied, Russia has almost annexed Belarus and threatens Kazakhstan, the Baltic States – and the international order. “Many seats in the General Assembly could be left empty if Russia succeeds in its treachery and aggression.” In the war against Ukraine, Moscow is using not only military weapons, but also other weapons – “and these things are used not only against our country, but also against yours,” Zelenskyy told UN member states.

“Food as a weapon, energy as a weapon”

“Russia bets Food prices as a weapon “The effects extend from the Atlantic coast of Africa to Southeast Asia.” Moscow also benefits Energy as a weaponweaken governments in other countries. Zelensky warned that Moscow’s threat to use nuclear weapons was not the scariest thing about the war. And the conflict is far from just about Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president personally participated in the UN general debate in New York for the first time since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against his country in February 2022. Last year, he addressed the United Nations via video.