Voters abroad post pictures of the ballot box Dozens of

Voters abroad post pictures of the ballot box; Dozens of countries have already completed voting

From the newsroomi From the newsroom

10/02/2022 1:01 p.m


According to the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), the election for the Brazilian president is already closed until 12 noon this Sunday (2) in at least 59 countries. Despite the official announcement of the results by the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) only after 17:00 in Brasília, internet users in some countries have already shared the ballot box on social networks.

In New Zealand, for example, Brazilians living in Wellington announced that Lula had won there by a wide margin, followed by Bolsonaro.


In 4 polls in the city of Wellington, New Zealand, former President Lula won them all. Check the result:

PHOTO: @andresoalves

— Election Center (@CentralEleicoes) October 2, 2022

Lula also had more votes in Australia. SBS, Australia’s public broadcaster, reported that the former president received 3,672 votes to Bolsonaro’s 1,917. Ballot boxes in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth indicate victory for PT.

Voices in Sydney, Australia. Now with better resolution.

— Lilica (@toelho) October 2, 2022

In Bangkok, Thailand, the match between the top two was closer. The former president received 46 votes, Bolsonaro 42. Felipe D’Ávila (Novo) received six votes. Ciro Gomes (PDT) and Simone Tebet (MDB) each received five votes. In Estonia, Lula had 148 votes and Bolsonaro 16.

Of the 252 expected voters, 190 came to the embassy in Tallinn:⠀⠀
SQUID (PT): 148⠀
Bolsonaro (PL): 16⠀
Cyrus (PDT): 9⠀
Tebet (MDB): 7⠀
D’Avila (New): 5⠀
Manzano (PCB): 1⠀
ZERO votes: 4

Source: @_mioshiro and
Instagram: @teretallinn

— Election Center (@CentralEleicoes) October 2, 2022

On social media, Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, the President’s son, celebrated “Bolsonaro’s victory” in Japan. “In Japan, Bolsonaro was elected in the first ballot. A ratio of practically three or four to one compared to its main rival,” said Flávio Bolsonaro. Several photos of ballot papers in Tokyo and Nagoya point to the current president’s election victory.

BOLSONARO wins Tokyo Bulletins in Japan!!

Thiago Virgil (@Thiagonvd) October 2, 2022

In Israel, a majority of voters chose candidate Jair Bolsonaro (258 votes). According to the ballot box, Lula was in second place with 234 votes. In third place Simone Tebet with 61 votes and in fourth place Ciro Gomes with 9 votes. The BrazilianIsraeli institute released the results of three of the four polls in Tel Aviv, the country’s capital.


Votes in 3 of the 4 polls counted:
Bolsonaro: 258
Squid: 234
Ciro Gomes: 9th
Simone Tebet: 61

In 2018, Bolsonaro had 66% of the vote.

— BrazilIsrael Institute (@ibi_br) October 2, 2022

From 11 a.m. the elections are in Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Qatar, China, South Korea, Hong Kong (Chinese province), the United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Finland, Georgia and Greece closed , India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Myamar, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Palestine, Pakistan, Kenya, Romania, Russia (Russian Federation), Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand , Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, East Timor and Vietnam.

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