Vox MP Victor Gonzalez is expelled from Bolivia

Vox MP Víctor González is expelled from Bolivia

The Vox Deputy, Víctor González was expelled from Bolivia this Wednesday. The politician himself confirmed this on his Twitter account: “There are already two agents on the plane [de Migración de Bolivia] You have informed me very correctly that I will be expelled from Bolivia.”

Bolivian Deputy Foreign Minister Freddy Mamani said separately at a press conference that González “has done the political work of create violence in the country».

According to an administrative decision by the government’s Migration Directorate, the Iberian legislature has “committed acts disturbing public order” and disseminated “discrediting political propaganda” against the government.

González arrived in Bolivia last weekend at the invitation of the Santa Cruz Civic Committee (CCSC). The Spanish parliamentarian expressed his support for Camacho and wanted to find out first-hand about human rights violations in Bolivia, the increase in political prisoners and their number called for the release of the opposition leader. He has also appeared at public events with CCSC President Rómulo Calvo, who also denies that Camacho was arrested.

Camacho was jailed for four months last Friday and accused of being one of the advocates of left-wing Evo Morales’ departure from the presidency in late 2019.

In a message on Twitter, the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee denounced the Vox MP’s expulsion from the country and defended that “it was so invited as observer and speaker for the situation in Santa Cruzthe same one who witnessed human rights violations ».