Wagner Uprising Vladimir Putin offers militia fighters amnesty

Wagner Uprising: Vladimir Putin offers militia fighters amnesty

Published on 06/27/2023 21:37

Video length: 2 mins

Wagner Uprising: Vladimir Putin offers militia fighters amnesty

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Wagner’s soldiers can join the Russian army or go into exile in Belarus: Vladimir Putin gives them this choice in a speech in which he promises them amnesty. Yevgeny Prigoyine would have chosen Minsk.

Invisible for three days, the head of the Wagner militia would already be in Belarus. This is what Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Tuesday, June 27, when he agreed to receive him: “He is in Belarus today. As I promised them: “If you want to settle here, we will help you.” The President claims that it is thanks to him that Evguéni Prigojine saved his life.

Three options for Wagner fighters

On Monday evening, June 26, Vladimir Putin solemnly asked Wagner’s fighters to choose between three options: either join the Russian army, join their families, or go into exile in Belarus. Some media advertise a Wagner base in Osipovichy, Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko denies the existence of a construction site, but is not against it. The Belarusian President does not want a recruitment center in his own country.

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