Waitress Gets 1000 Tip For Christmas Thanks For Always Working

Waitress Gets $1,000 Tip For Christmas: ‘Thanks For Always Working With A Smile’

A truly unexpected Christmas present is that of a waitress at a restaurant in Wisconsin, USA. A customer tipped her $1,000 on a $17 receipt.

Callie Blue, who has worked at Gus’s Diner in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, for six years, had just started her morning shift when Michael Johnson, president and CEO of the local Boys and Girls Club, walked into the diner for breakfast. The waitress spoke to her benefactor for about 45 minutes, unaware that her mission was to do good for those who couldn’t afford to celebrate.

“We raised over $100,000 this year. We gave a brand new car to a family of five. We’ve tipped several maids, delivered groceries to about 50 families and given toys to over 600 children in our county,” Johnson told CBS. The money, he explained, was all raised on social media.

In a video captured by Johnson of Blue receiving a tip, she can be seen laughing and crying. Johnson also wrote a note on the back of the receipt thanking the woman for “smiling and working on Christmas Day.”