Waitz/Mercosul: Division is the weakening of democratic participation

Open letter from more than 300 MPs from across Europe against division

Brussels (OTS) – On the occasion of the Trade Council taking place on November 27th and the ongoing negotiations between the EU and the Mercosur states (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay), more than 300 representatives from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, as well as members of the European Parliament for the EU Commission. In the open letter, they speak out against the Commission’s plans to change the voting procedure for the controversial EU-Mercosur trade agreement.

Thomas Waitz, Greens MEP and leader of the European Green Party, says: “EU trade policy must never undermine human and workers’ rights, environmental and climate protection and animal welfare – but division would mean just that . Austria is bound by a clear vote of the National Council. It is surprising that the ÖVP has now decided not to sign the letter. It is even more gratifying that more than 300 progressive MEPs from across the EU are calling on the European Commission not to undermine democratic control over the trade deal through technical tricks. The involvement of national and regional parliaments must not be undermined.”

Questions and contact:

Inge Chen
Press Spokesperson Thomas Waitz
[email protected]