Walter Mercado Horoscope Monday September 18 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Walter Mercado: Horoscope Friday October 6, 2023 El Nuevo Herald

The signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac. jehsomwang Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

Take everything with infinite calm. Carefully monitor any conflict situations that may arise in your workplace, especially in the morning hours. Today will not be the best day to make important decisions, especially if they are related to a new job. Lucky numbers: 13, 1, 16.


(April 19th – 19th) May)

Now you can achieve what you have always dreamed of. Your intuition will guide you to choose what suits you best. Everything that has to do with the foreigner will be highlighted positively for you today. It’s time to put your travel plans into action and get started on your adventures. Make good use of this weekend. Lucky numbers: 25, 3, 41.


(May 20th – 19th) in June)

You will now be more transparent and aggressive on an intimate, personal level. In love, Gemini, you will no longer be anyone’s victim or martyr. You will give what you yourself ask and you will ask what you deserve. You can win the heart of your loved one with a smile on your face. Lucky numbers: 31, 44, 10.


(20th June – 21 July)

Relax and think that if you connect with divinity you can achieve the impossible. No worries. The personal matter that is troubling you so much has a solution and it will be resolved very soon. Be patient, because there are light beings next to you who will show you the way. Listen to your intuition, your inner voice and you will find the solution. Lucky numbers: 1, 7, 16.


(22nd of July – August 21st)

Appreciate your work and your efforts to improve. Put yourself first. Make progress on your plans for the present and the future. Get rid of everything from the past and do not continue to keep what is no longer useful to you. Don’t settle for little, strive for the best. You know better than anyone how much you can achieve. Lucky numbers: 22, 28, 7.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

Everything that has to do with home and family is intensified. You know how to lead and give orders with a lot of love and respect. They will fight for family unity. This weekend you identify with children, teenagers or people much younger than you. You will pay more attention to their preferences and needs. Lucky numbers: 19, 9, 14.


(September 22nd – Oct. 22)

The memories of yesterday come back. You will be extremely sentimental, romantic and sensitive. You won’t save time or money until you find the best way to express your love to the person you care about so much: Libra. On an economic level, expect profits or money through an inheritance. Lucky numbers: 8, 31, 4.


(October 23rd – November 20th)

Order and orientation return to your life. You now have what you need, both emotionally and financially. You become emotionally stronger and recover from something that seemed hopeless. Everything you have selflessly done and given away comes back to you multiplied as a blessing. Lucky numbers: 10, 18, 11.


(21st November – Dec. 20)

Organization and control are the key words to move forward. It’s time to curb your spending and put aside the credit cards that are tempting you. Be honest, Sagittarius, your spending does not reflect reality and this could lead to serious problems for you. You like the good and the expensive. Lucky numbers: 6, 7, 15.


(Dec 21 – January 18)

Always hope for the best for you and your loved ones. Don’t judge the present based on your past experiences. Establish yourself in the here and now. When it comes to work or career, always do your best. Keep what you promised, especially if you made that promise to yourself. Live the present moment intensely. Lucky numbers: 4, 8, 22.


(January 19 – February 17)

Dare to be happy without feeling guilty. Those who didn’t believe in you are now paying the consequences. Just observe. Today is an excellent day to cleanse your mind and heart of all negativity so that you can clear the way for truths full of light and wisdom. Enjoy this weekend to the fullest. Lucky numbers: 23, 6, 18.


(February 18th – 19th) March)

Health, money and love are now very much in the foreground for you, Pisces. There will be harmony at your side today and always, because you want it that way. You will notice a change in the negative attitude of the people who work or share with you on a daily basis. It’s time to celebrate life in all its aspects. Lucky numbers: 47, 2, 31.