Walter Mercado Horoscope Monday September 18 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Walter Mercado: Horoscope Monday October 20, 2023 El Nuevo Herald

The signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac. jehsomwang Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

Communication between couples is beneficial so romance is present in those who are looking for love. A good time to make new arrangements, especially with those you love. Don’t let others fill your ears with gossip. There are those who claim to help you, but they just want to involve you in the drama of their life. Lucky numbers: 2, 31, 6.


(April 19th – 19th) May)

New opportunities arise in your life to change both your environment and your career or profession. Make a list of your expectations, desires, or dreams and try to make them come true, Taurus. Think carefully before sharing anything that could affect someone. The work will be more intense, but if you organize yourself well, everything will go the way you want. Lucky numbers: 7, 25, 13.


(May 20th – 19th) in June)

It is important that you study the terrain you are running on carefully. Search and review each offer carefully before making a final decision. Something very positive is being prepared that will benefit you financially, but that does not stop you from being very careful and always protecting your interests. Pay attention to your health, don’t stop examining yourself, and don’t give up on your care. Lucky numbers: 17, 24, 8.


(20th June – 21 July)

Your magic, your natural charm comes into its own even more on this day. You will win hearts without having to put in much effort. Don’t use this as bait to achieve temporary or selfish gratification. Get ready for a busy week full of work and new responsibilities. Good communication is the key to your success. Lucky numbers: 11, 28, 4.


(22nd of July – August 21)

New projects will keep you very busy, especially in the morning hours. It is important to do things in order of priority. Don’t rush and try to solve everything, delegate it to those you trust. It is very important that you take time to rest and meditate on the beautiful and good things in your life. Lucky numbers: 1, 39, 7.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

It’s time for you to catch up on the projects you left unfinished. You now have the opportunity to engage in activities that you can enjoy with your family. You are best to meet them and share with them. Don’t be in a hurry, especially when driving. With patience and a lot of calm you will arrive on time. Lucky numbers: 3, 8, 20.


(September 22nd – Oct. 22)

Excellent time to spend the best time with family and friends. You will receive signs of support that will make you feel how important you are to them. Maintain a balance between what you ask for and what they can offer you. Enjoy the joy of giving without expecting anything in return. A smile, a gesture of gratitude is enough to brighten your day. Lucky numbers: 6, 23, 24.


(October 23rd – November 20th)

Today you are the focus. Remember that the best way to impress other people is to be sincere and authentic. Trying to overdo things will not produce the result you expect. Prepare by researching information and taking a course that specializes in your area of ​​work. All travel plans could be affected by delays or cancellations. Lucky numbers: 10, 30, 7.


(21st November – Dec. 20)

You breathe love around you, into your surroundings. You are in harmony with everything around you. You share it with children, grandchildren or nephews if you have them. Home is everything to you. You will enjoy celebrating with your family. Your social life will be very active. Your strong motivation and unwavering goal will lead you to success in whatever you set your mind to. Lucky numbers: 20, 14, 8.


(Dec 21 – January 18)

Be very careful in financial matters. Things related to your money or finances will be affected by unforeseen expenses related to your family. It is not advisable to lend money to someone with whom you have a romantic relationship. It will be a debt you can never repay. Mental peace is necessary to recover and catch up on work. Lucky numbers: 15, 10, 45.


(January 19 – February 17)

Today you will be very committed to helping others. Anyone who needs your help or charity will be reciprocated. You won’t hesitate twice to help or dedicate time to the family member who so desperately needs your care. Any problem that arises there, you will be present to reconcile it with your devotion, patience, love and understanding. Lucky numbers: 8, 21, 4.


(February 18th – 19th) March)

Every love relationship now goes through many trials. Now you have a clearer idea of ​​what you want and what you are willing to give to make it successful. It’s a good time to start a diet or exercise program that will help you lose weight or improve your health. You will certainly feel more active and ready to tackle new projects. Lucky numbers: 16, 34, 9.