Walter Mercado Horoscope Monday September 18 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Walter Mercado: Horoscope Monday September 18, 2023 El Nuevo Herald

The signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac. jehsomwang Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

You will face forgetfulness, delays and confusion. It is important that you be very clear about what you want to express. There are delays in correspondence, calls and everything related to communication. Organize yourself as best you can. It’s time for a check to make sure everything is OK and working well. Lucky numbers: 9, 27, 40.


(April 19th – 19th) May)

Family relationships will now be the focus of attention. You need to strengthen, restore, and sometimes build a relationship with the person in your family who has let you down or who has stayed away from you. It’s time to give in, be more flexible and make up for lost time. You will stand out at any sporting competition. Lucky numbers: 38, 40, 9.


(May 20th – 19th) in June)

You are enveloped in the magic of the present moment. You will put a lot of intensity and energy into everything you do today. You will be attracted to somewhat risky and mysterious situations. Don’t put yourself at risk of putting your life or reputation at risk. Your partner shares the economic benefits with you. Lucky numbers: 28, 49, 4.


(20th June – 21 July)

This is a good day to leave it to others and relax. Enjoy good company or simply take a few hours to meditate. Don’t try anything new or start a transaction until you’ve given yourself more time to think. Rushing things can lead to complications and lots of delays. Lucky numbers: 8, 41, 6.


(22nd of July – August 21st)

It’s time to cultivate your spiritual, mystical side so you can enjoy inner peace and tune into universal cosmic energy. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and move forward knowing that you will succeed in whatever you set out to do. Study carefully what you did wrong, correct it and make the decision to change something. Lucky numbers: 7, 15, 22.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

There are many changes coming in your work environment and you need to prepare for what lies ahead. Friends and organizations will be an important factor in financial success, but don’t let anyone distract you from your already established plans. If you work as hard as you have, everything will work out in your favor. Lucky numbers: 18, 30, 10.


(September 22nd – Oct. 22)

You need to control your temper tantrums when things don’t go your way. Seek spiritual peace and promote harmony around you. You will feel inspired by your partner to move forward with projects. You’ll be more willing to work together to get the cooperation you so desperately need. Lucky numbers: 16, 37, 1.


(October 23rd – November 20th)

Problems with the elderly, parents and teachers can be a bit complicated, avoid them. Your persistence, your energy and your activity make you seem somewhat dominant and controlling. Change the way you express yourself and show the pleasant side you have to soften any difficult situation that comes your way. Lucky numbers: 20, 16, 9.


(21st November – Dec. 20)

Your creativity and personality are encouraged, making you popular and attractive. You will put a lot of enthusiasm and interest into everything you do. On the other hand, you still need to clarify your financial situation and make sure that the many expenses do not distract you from what you have already planned. Do your part to ensure peace reigns on your side. Lucky numbers: 11, 9, 14.


(Dec 21 – January 18)

Your intuition remains sharp and will guide you to the right place when choosing the company and recognize the right person. Increase your curiosity to learn new things, especially from other cultures. Foreigners will catch your attention and you will even be inclined to plan your vacation in a place you have never visited before. Lucky numbers: 1, 25, 43.


(January 19 – February 17)

You will act as an arbitrator or mediator with great success in any discussion or problem. Your health should be the most important thing to you right now. Pay attention to the head, neck and neck. Physical activity in moderation will bring you a lot. Don’t miss your routine doctor’s appointments and follow your diet wisely. Lucky numbers: 11, 7, 20.


(February 18th – 19th) March)

Love relationships now go through trials that strengthen them. You will put into practice what you have learned from your past mistakes, Pisces. Your home is undergoing change, both physically and spiritually. You will hear about someone who has long disappeared from your life. Lucky numbers: 1, 21, 3.