Walter Mercado Horoscope Monday September 18 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Walter Mercado: Horoscope Tuesday October 24, 2023 El Nuevo Herald

The signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac. jehsomwang Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

Do everything in your power to save. When it comes to money, you have to be much more practical and realistic. Organize your thoughts so you can better organize your life. Calm down, if you try to take things lightly, you will only incur more losses and spiral out of control. Lucky numbers: 19, 48, 23.


(April 19th – 19th) May)

Find peace of mind again, you need it. Travel, have fun, leave behind everything that paralyzes you and start a new adventure in your life. Don’t keep feeding the lazy or the profiteering. Everyone should take responsibility for their lives and their actions. Put into practice what you so often preach. Lucky numbers: 40, 32, 18.


(May 20th – 19th) in June)

Things related to work, studies or business are presented excellently for you. Use all this positive energy to make progress and increase your financial income. Something you took for granted disappears like smoke. Now is your chance to start over, Gemini. Lucky numbers: 20, 33, 7.


(20th June – 21 July)

You will gain sympathy, generosity and kindness today. Your good sense of humor will be fashionable today. A person who belongs to your past must admit the truth and accept that their time at your side is over and over. Don’t hide your feelings from him, be honest and stick to the truth. Lucky numbers: 31, 6, 43.


(22nd of July – August 21st)

Develop patience and you will succeed where you failed yesterday. Express the truth, don’t lie. End a family conflict once and for all, even if it bothers or hurts some. Don’t make secrets about what might benefit others. Be very firm in all your decisions. Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 16.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

Don’t sacrifice what you love so much for material things. Look for the treasures your heart hides. Don’t risk making hasty decisions. Remember that your actions impact the people around you. Overcome materialism and remember that money is not everything in life. Lucky numbers: 39, 1, 51.


(September 22nd – Oct. 22)

The advice you gave others was certainly very helpful. You should be very proud of all your personal achievements. No matter how small they are, they somehow contribute to making this world a better place. Extend your helping hand and continue to help everyone who needs it. Lucky numbers: 5, 33,12.


(October 23rd – November 20th)

You have the green light to take the initiative in love matters. Do not miss the opportunity that you have been looking for so much to get closer to the person that interests you so much, because it is she who makes the strings of your heart vibrate. Benefit from the fact that your communication is presented very well. Use it to your advantage. Lucky numbers: 39, 4, 25.


(21st November – Dec. 20)

Your success or failure will depend on you. Now a new world opens up for you. You will find it easier to learn or assimilate what suits you or interests you. Many things disappear from your life and make room for the new, the different. Now you have the strength to get your life in order and move forward without looking back. Lucky numbers: 13, 50, 47.


(Dec 21 – January 18)

You will feel more connected to your family and be more stable on an emotional level. Your financial problems begin to resolve and the light of recovery returns to your life. Your love life is now taking a new turn. You have grown through life experiences and it will be very difficult for her to deceive you again. Lucky numbers: 27, 10, 8.


(January 19 – February 17)

Dynamic and, above all, productive people will share your interests and bring ideas or positive things into your life today, Aquarius. Today you will feel better able to express what you believe to be the truth about a very personal matter. You will search for the authentic, the real, the true. Lucky numbers: 4, 36, 23.


(February 18th – 19th) March)

Projects and plans gain strength so you can implement them now. Marriage, unions and commitments are discussed very well throughout the week. Dare and set out without fear to conquer what you want so much. Implement your innovative ideas and radically change your environment. Lucky numbers: 16, 6, 9.