Wanessa Camargo follows in Dado Dolabellas footsteps in veganism

Wanessa Camargo follows in Dado Dolabella’s footsteps in veganism

Wanessa Camargo, inspired by Dado Dolabella, has tried to adapt to veganism.

This column of syringes noted that the singer has already told people around her that she is now vegan and that she has already felt changes not only in her body but also in her lifestyle. The change is supported by the friend. The actor is an animal rights activist and became a vegan in 2015.

Not today Wanessa talks about the desire to change her eating and consumption habits. As early as 2018, Zezé Di Camargo’s daughter reported on trying to become a vegetarian in an interview with Gabriela Pugliesi on YouTube.

“At least I’m trying to be a vegetarian because for me food is about health. I believe very much in what says we are what we eat. When I switched my diet to organic, I started using coconut, replacing sugar with cane molasses, so I started making several changes that had nothing to do with weight loss, and I accidentally lost weight,” she said at the time.

Vanessa was wanted by this column syringes to comment on the new lifestyle with veganism. The singer’s press office said there was nothing to say. The place remains open.

Courting Wanessa and Dado changed some of the artist’s habits. She has also tried to connect more and more with nature.

The singer and actor have a shamanic spiritual guide directing the new phase of the relationship and traveled to Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás last week, accompanied by friends and the couple’s mentor, the “Cosmic Fairy”. It was there that the two performed together for the first time, in a live event held by the organization of a spiritual retreat.

After the singer’s cousin, Nathan Camargo, said on a podcast that romance was no longer a family secret, this column found out how the relationship hit Zezé Di Camargo.

Wanessa tells close people that the two met again at a more mature point and are aware that the two were responsible for the past relationship not ending well. Between coming and going, the two were together for four years, from 2000 to 2004.

When Zezé Di Camargo found out, he told his daughter that she was the owner of his actions and that he would agree, understanding that the singer “is already an adult and doesn’t want to go against it”.