War barrel bomb alert Syrian technicians prepare massacre in Moscow

War, barrel bomb alert: Syrian technicians prepare massacre in Moscow

L’Ukraine like Syria. Putin Deploy barrel bomb experts that cause havoc and suffering. The revelation comes from Britain’s The Guardian, which reported yesterday: Fifty Syrian technicians specializing in making these types of deadly bombs have been posted there Russia. Their mission is to organize a campaign in Ukraine similar to that in the Middle East country. According to intelligence sources quoted by the British newspaper, these specialists landed in Russia a few weeks ago to train Putin’s military. For this reason, alarms have been raised about the possible use of chemical weapons by the Russian army for some time. How do barrel bombs work? Cylinders filled with explosives and metal splinters, but sometimes also with chlorine, were thrown out of planes in Syria and claimed hundreds of lives.

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It is certainly not the first time that Moscow has resorted to deadly weapons in this savage aggression by Ukraine: it has already fired two hypersonic missiles and only yesterday cluster bombs were signaled at Kherson, killing three. Recently, a missile attack on Lozova in the Kharkiv region damaged 1,000 apartments and 11 school facilities.
The use of barrel bombs is confirmed, however, will represent a further barbarization of Russian military action, which does not spare the civilian population, as the massacres in Bucha or in the Mariupol Theater have shown. According to analysts quoted by The Guardian, “During the Syrian war, barrel bombs – crude explosives packed in barrels and dropped from a helicopter – were used with devastating effects.” The Assad regime has also been regularly accused of filling containers with chlorine and dropping it on opposition-controlled cities, causing hundreds of deaths and sparking widespread concern.

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Without anti-aircraft weapons, the anti-Assad opposition had few means to counter the dominance of the Syrian army. Here, however, there is a difference to the initial situation in Ukraine, which could work in Kiev’s favor and render the use of this type of weapon ineffective. Ukrainian troops have already demonstrated their ability to accurately use the surface-to-air missiles at their disposal, thanks to which they have repeatedly shot down Russian warplanes and helicopters. According to an anonymous European official quoted by The Guardian, “that’s probably why we haven’t seen these specialists across the border yet.” The capability to use barrel bombs is known to exist, but the Russians also know that it is not so obvious that they can use them without suffering heavy casualties. The figures come from the Ukrainians and must therefore be read with caution, but to date not only 29,000 soldiers of the Putin army have died in this war, but also 204 fighters and 171 shot down Russian helicopters, as well as 470 drones and 13 ships. In summary: It is one thing to cynically and mercilessly drop these bombs in Syria, where the anti-government forces have no defensive weapons, it is quite another to do it in Ukraine, where the Kiev army is proving to be well armed and well trained .


But the Guardian also analyzes the number of mercenaries who have arrived from Syria to fight in Putin’s pay: “The sources assume that between 800 and 1,000 Syrians have offered to volunteer. The Kremlin has promised them salaries of between $1,500 and $4,000 a month, up to twenty times the amount they would receive in their country, where the collapse of the economy has severely depreciated the value of the local currency. Recruitment centers have been set up in Damascus, Latakia, Hama and Homs, and “recruits are used under contract with the Wagner Group, the Russian private military organization that has played a leading role in recruiting mercenaries to support Russian missions abroad.” The Wagner group was also deployed in Ukraine, at least 500 men are believed to have played a role in the atrocities in Bucha. Syrians, but also Libyans, according to the Ukrainian general staff, were killed in the battle in Poposna.