War between Hamas and Israel Israel arrested Palestinian workers released

War between Hamas and Israel: Israel arrested, Palestinian workers released in Gaza

Published on March 11, 2023 10:14 p.m

Video length: 1 min

War between Hamas and Israel: Israel arrested, Palestinian workers released in Gaza -

War between Hamas and Israel: arrested by Israel, Palestinian workers released in Gaza War between Hamas and Israel: arrested by Israel, Palestinian workers released in Gaza – (Franceinfo)

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On Friday November 3, Palestinian workers arrested in Israel on October 7 were released in Gaza. A situation that worries the UN.

An endless stream of exhausted men from Israel arrived at the Rafah (Gaza) border on Friday, November 3rd. These are Palestinian workers who were arrested after the October 7 attack. They were arrested before being returned to the Gaza Strip on Friday morning. “They arrested us and put us in terrible conditions. (…) They beat us and humiliated us,” assures a Palestinian worker.

Dozens injured

The Israeli security cabinet announces that it will cut all ties with the Gaza Strip. The UN told its spokesman it was “deeply concerned” about the layoffs of these thousands of workers. The Israeli army continued its ground operations today, broadcasting images of its troops and tanks in Gaza, which it announced on Thursday that the encirclement had been completed.

Strikes in the north and south of the city left dozens dead and injured. Israel promises not to relent in its efforts until it achieves its goals. At the border, humanitarian convoys continue to flow toward the Gaza Strip as evacuations continue.

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