War between Israel and Hamas quotNothing justifies the massacre of

War between Israel and Hamas: "Nothing justifies the massacre of innocent people"said the Imam of the Bordeaux Mosque

The French Council for Muslim Worship has issued an appeal to all mosque leaders and all imams, asking them to be particularly vigilant for this Friday prayer.

“Nothing justifies, even if the cause is just and noble, nothing justifies the massacre of innocent people. Islam cannot accept the massacre of children or the elderly,” Tareq Oubrou, rector and imam of the mosque in Bordeaux, responded to franceinfo Hamas attack on Israel on Friday, October 13.

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The French Council of the Muslim Faith issued an appeal on Thursday, October 12, to all mosque leaders and all imams, asking them to redouble their vigilance for this Friday prayer, while several gatherings in support of the Palestinian cause were taking place in France. “Muslims should not identify with this organization. The Palestinian people are not Hamas. So we have to exercise discernment,” he continued.

In addition, he called on France’s Muslims and Jews to “ensure that the situation between these two communities, which have a massive presence in France, calms down,” as he fears “seeing certain people commit despicable acts.”

franceinfo: Will the imams try to ease tensions during Friday prayers?

Tareq Oubrou: It is an opportunity to remember the core values ​​of Islam, namely peace and justice, especially in a moment of great emotion. Whatever the legitimacy of this emotion, we must exercise discernment and not confuse the repertoires. What happened on October 7th was an act that shocked and surprised everyone, including many Muslims. Nothing justifies the massacre of innocent people, even if the cause is just and noble. Islam cannot accept the massacre of children or the elderly. This violates not only international law, but also Muslim canon law. The Prophet forbade the massacre of children, women and the elderly. There is also a right to war in Islam.

In this regard, Hamas is at odds with its values, namely Islam. “Islamic” needs to be removed from their title.

“We cannot take away from Islam what suits us and give up what bothers us. Muslims are not allowed to identify with this organization. The Palestinian people are not Hamas. We have to exercise judgment.”

Tariq Oubrou, Imam of the Bordeaux Mosque,

at franceinfo

Aren’t you afraid to talk about terrorism?

Unfortunately, injustice breeds injustice. 70 years of humiliation and oppression provoke this kind of gaffe, crime and terrorism. Explaining does not mean justifying the phenomenon, but explaining it in order to be able to propose solutions. Unfortunately, until peace and justice prevail in this region, the war will continue.

Do you support Emmanuel Macron, who calls for harmony between all French people?

We are all French. There is the principle of republican brotherhood that we must share beyond our philosophical and religious options. We must maintain a very strong value of brotherhood. There are Jews, there are Muslims. Muslims must not identify with a cause that is not necessarily their own.

The Jews of France must also take this French dimension into account and ensure that the situation calms down between these two communities with a massive presence in France, which are two large communities in France. You have to be very, very careful. Imams and rabbis must demand reason and judgment. We live under the dome of the republic, of secularism. We must strengthen our republican and civic ties.

Are you afraid of the impact of the conflict between Hamas and Israel in France?

It’s inevitable. We are in an emotional, irrational moment. There will certainly be slip-ups, sadness, hatred. Unfortunately, hate is already spreading on social networks. I do not hide my fear of seeing certain people commit despicable acts.