1697909225 War in Israel Army prepares ground offensive in Gaza Strip

War in Israel: Army prepares ground offensive in Gaza Strip

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    The terrorist militia Hamas releases its first hostages. Relief supplies pass through Rafah border. The news about the war in Israel.

    • Land offensive threat: peace conference should negotiate a ceasefire with Israel
    • Border crossing temporary Open: Trucks carrying aid supplies arrive in the Gaza Strip
    • War against terrorist militia: Israel prepared for the next phase of the war against Hamas
    • All new developments and news about the war in Israel in our news.

    Update October 21, 7:01 pm: Tens of thousands of people took part in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London on Saturday. According to estimates by the Metropolitan Police, around 100,000 people gathered. For example, posters say “Stop the War in Gaza” and “Free Palestine”.

    Thousands of people participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London because of the war in Israel.  A ground offensive is currently planned in the Gaza Strip.Thousands of people participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London because of the war in Israel. A ground offensive is currently planned in the Gaza Strip. © David Cliff/AP/dpa

    The protests occurred two weeks after the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas and the outbreak of the Israeli War. Israel then imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip and has been bombing targets there ever since. Recently, there have been international efforts to free hostages from the Gaza Strip.

    Aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip: US calls for open borders in war in Israel

    Update October 21, 5:51 pm: According to numerous experts, the current aid deliveries to people in the Gaza Strip are just a “drop in the ocean”, but their symbolic power is immense: the US has welcomed the deliveries. However, Secretary of State Antony Blinken also “called on all parties to keep the Rafah crossing open to allow for the continued flow of aid, which is essential to the well-being of the people of Gaza,” according to a statement obtained by AFP. news agency.

    At the same time, Blinken sent words of warning to Hamas in the Gaza Strip and called on them not to block the supply of war aid to Israel. “Palestinian civilians are not responsible for Hamas’ horrific terrorism and should not suffer for their depraved actions.”

    Hostages in the war in Israel: top advisor suspects new releases soon

    Update October 21, 4:51 pm: Hamas hostages could soon be released. Majed Al-Ansari, chief advisor to Qatar’s foreign minister and deputy prime minister, said this in an interview with Die Welt. Qatar is currently seen as an important mediator in the war in Israel. Even the top adviser cannot say exactly when the abducted people will leave the Gaza Strip. Still, he said, “I can’t promise it will happen today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But we are on a path that will very soon lead to the release of the hostages, especially the civilians.”

    Although a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip remains pending in the current phase of Israel’s war, the destination is increasingly in focus. Only on Saturday night were two US citizens released by Hamas.

    Aid supplies on their way to the Gaza Strip: trucks in Israel’s war greeted with applause

    Update October 21, 4:21 pm: As aid trucks crossed the border from Rafah into the Gaza Strip, shouts of celebration were heard from both sides, according to media reports. According to the BBC, the trucks are intended to transport food, water and medicines. Therefore, fuel will not be brought to the Gaza Strip.

    The Rafah border crossing from Egypt to Gaza has been the only way into the region since the start of the war in Israel and previous Hamas attacks. A total of 20 trucks were reportedly allowed to pass through the Gaza Strip.

    The number of deaths in the Gaza Strip due to fighting in the Israeli War continues to rise

    Update October 21, 3:22 pm: According to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, at least 4,385 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7. A total of 1,756 children have reportedly died so far.

    Critical war reports

    The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the parties to the conflict. For better classification and transparency, we named all sources. However, some of the information cannot be independently verified. We remain transparent in these cases as well.

    Another air alert in the war in Israel: authorities warn of rocket launches from the Gaza Strip

    Update October 21, 1:58 pm: The air alarm sounded again in the Israeli cities of Sderot and Nirim on Saturday morning. Israeli authorities warned the population about the threat of rocket launches from the Gaza Strip. Preparations for a land offensive continue on its border. This is reported by the Jerusalem Post news portal. The Israeli army is currently moving additional units south.

    Number of hostages in the war in Israel is estimated at 210: 700,000 people fled the north of the Gaza Strip

    Update from October 21st, 1pm: The Israeli military (IDF) now claims that 210 hostages were kidnapped by the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip. An IDF spokesman told Israeli daily Haaretz. Families were informed about this. More recently, Hamas released two American hostages. A senior Israeli security official said on Saturday that 700,000 people had already fled northern Gaza. According to this, 350 thousand people are still in Gaza City. There have been reports for days that Hamas is stopping people from fleeing.

    Israeli army soldiers wait for orders near the city of Sderot.Israeli army soldiers wait for orders near the city of Sderot. ©IMAGO/JINI

    Peace conference for the Gaza Strip begins

    Update October 21, 11:35 am: The first international peace conference during Israel’s war begins this Saturday in Cairo. The purpose of the meeting is to negotiate a ceasefire between Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel. Numerous representatives from countries in the region will participate in the conference, including:

    • Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, President of Egypt
    • Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority
    • Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of Jordan
    • Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates
    • Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Emir of Qatar
    • Hakan Fidan, Turkish Foreign Minister

    A US representative will not participate in the peace conference in Cairo, which is why experts have little hope for far-reaching agreements, according to the Portal news agency.

    First aid deliveries arrive in Gaza Strip in war in Israel

    Update October 21, 10:06 am: The first aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip have begun. Several trucks left Egypt for the Palestinian part of the Rafah border crossing on Saturday, Egyptian television footage showed. According to several news agencies, 20 trucks with medicine will be taken to the Gaza Strip. These are the first deliveries via Rafah since the war between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, began two weeks ago.

    Trucks line up at the Rafah border, between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.Trucks line up at the Rafah border, between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. © Sayed Hassan/dpa

    The US Embassy in Israel also announced that the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt could open on Saturday. This would allow foreigners to leave the Gaza Strip. However, the embassy added that it does not know how long the crossing will remain open for foreigners to leave Gaza.

    War in Israel: Israeli Air Force attacks Hezbollah positions in Lebanon

    Update October 21, 6:25 am: The war in Israel has long since reached the West Bank. According to reports from the news portal Haaretz, 84 Palestinian militants died in fighting with Israeli soldiers. Fatal fights also reportedly occurred in the Israeli city of Jericho. The Israeli Air Force announced it would attack the positions of radical Islamic Hezbollah in response to continued rocket fire from Lebanon.

    Update October 20, 11:12 pm: A rocket hit the southern town of Sderot during the latest bombardment from the Gaza Strip, damaging a road and a bus stop.

    According to the Sderot municipal administration, there were no injuries when the rocket hit.

    War in Israel: Air Force carries out new attacks on Hezbollah facilities in Lebanon

    Update October 20, 10:51 pm: In response to ongoing rocket and missile attacks against northern Israel, the Israel Defense Forces are conducting new airstrikes against Hezbollah facilities in southern Lebanon.

    War in Israel: Defense Minister Gallant gets “overview to expand campaign”

    Update October 20, 10:47 pm: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant arrived in the evening at an Israel Defense Forces staging area near the border of the Gaza Strip and “gained an overview of the armed forces’ readiness for the expansion of the campaign,” his office said. , according to the Times of Israel.

    Gallant spoke with commanders and soldiers from several units, the statement added. Tens of thousands of troops have been massed near the Gaza border ahead of an expected Israeli ground offensive.

    Update October 20, 10:44 pm: Negotiations over the release of more hostages from the Gaza Strip are “ongoing”, a source close to the negotiations told Portal.

    The source said Friday’s release of the two American hostages in the Gaza Strip was “a first step” and that discussions “on future releases” were ongoing. Meanwhile, Hamas stated that it is working with “facilitators” to organize the release of the hostages “when security conditions are met”.

    War in Israel: Netanyahu talks about the release of US hostages

    Update from October 20th, 10:30 pm: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after the release of the two American hostages from Hamas captivity: “Two of our hostages are at home, we will not give up efforts to return all our hostages and missing people. At the same time, we will continue to fight until we win.”

    War in Israel: US Secretary of State calls for the release of Hamas hostages – “immediately”

    Update October 20, 10:16 pm: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken holds a press conference following the release of two US hostages by Hamas. According to him, around 200 people of various nationalities are being held hostage in the Gaza Strip – including women, girls and boys, as well as older people.

    “Each of them must be released immediately,” he said. The “urgent work” to free the remaining hostages continues. “The entire U.S. government will work every minute of every day to bring them home.” Regarding the release of the two US citizens, he thanked the Qatari government for its “very important support”.

    War in Israel: Military calls for evacuation of hospital in Gaza Strip

    Update October 20, 10:10 pm: A Palestinian humanitarian organization claims to have received a request from Israeli forces to “immediately” evacuate a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

    The Palestinian Red Crescent said today that it has been asked to leave Al-Quds Hospital, which is currently treating more than 400 patients and 12,000 displaced people from the Gaza Strip.

    After the release of Hamas hostages: US President Biden pledges “full support”.

    Update October 20, 9:51 pm: President Joe Biden commented on the release of the two American hostages by Hamas. The two US citizens were allowed to leave the country today after being taken hostage by militants on October 7.

    In a statement released by the White House, the US President said: “Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal over the past 14 days, and I am delighted that they will soon be reunited with their family, who have been tormented by fear. ” He also added that they have the “full support” of the US government as they “recover and heal.”

    War in Israel: Biden thanks Qatar for its role as mediator

    Biden also thanked the Qatari government for its “partnership” in the repatriation of the hostages and promised to continue working for the release of those still detained. “Like me for families [der Geiseln] As I said last week, we won’t stop until we bring your loved ones home. As president, there is no higher priority for me than the safety of Americans held hostage around the world.”

    War in Israel: Military prepares for the “next phase” of the fight against Hamas

    Update October 20, 9:32 pm: According to IDF leadership circles, the Israeli military is preparing for “the next phase” of the war in Israel. A military spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, said this at a press conference on Friday. He also warned that the war in Israel would “continue for many more weeks” after the Hamas attack, adding that there would be “difficult times” ahead.

    Because of airstrikes in the war in Israel: Erdogan calls for a ceasefire

    Update October 20, 9:12 pm: Israeli air strikes are causing harsh criticism in Türkiye. Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan now calls on Israel to stop attacks on Gaza because they would be “equivalent to genocide”. At the same time, he asserts that global efforts must be made to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire.

    “Acute threat” in Gaza: Red Crescent rescue service warns about the effects of the war in Israel

    Update October 20, 8:45 pm: The Red Crescent emergency service in the Gaza Strip addressed the public via short message service X and warned that Al-Quds hospital in Gaza faces an “acute threat” because the Israeli army ordered the evacuation of the hospital.

    War in the Gaza Strip: Several sources confirm the release of two hostages

    Update October 20, 7:10 pm: For the first time since its attack on Israel nearly two weeks ago, radical Islamist Hamas apparently freed two hostages on Friday night. The terrorist organization reported this on the Telegram news service. The people released are two US citizens – a mother and her daughter – who were released for humanitarian reasons.

    As the British news channel Sky cites, the disclosure is a response to Qatar’s mediation attempts and “proof to the American people and the rest of the world that the allegations of Biden and his fascist government are false and unfounded”. Israeli sources have also now confirmed the release of the two women.

    War in Israel: Hamas apparently demands the release of hostages

    Update October 20, 5:25 pm: According to the Israeli Defense Minister, Joav Galant, Israel’s plans in the Gaza war are limited to “eliminating Hamas”. The politician emphasized this on Friday. Israel is currently planning the war in three phases, Galant explained: a military campaign to eliminate Hamas terrorists and destroy their infrastructure, followed by lower-intensity fighting to combat remaining terrorist pockets. The last point foreseen is the creation of a “new security reality”, he explained. He did not give details.

    Hamas terrorist act triggers war in Israel: “Most hostages alive”

    Update October 20, 1:30 pm: According to the Israeli military, “the majority of the hostages are alive”. The army announced this in a statement on Friday (20 October). Among the hostages that Hamas abducted in the Gaza Strip during its major attack on Israel almost two weeks ago are several people with German citizenship.

    Former Prime Minister Barak accuses Netanyahu of complicity in Israel’s war

    Update October 20, 12:49 pm: Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak harshly criticizes his successor, Benjamin Netanyahu. Barak said in an interview with SPIEGEL that he was partly to blame for the Hamas terrorist attack. “Netanyahu is personally responsible for the greatest failure in Israel’s history,” Barak said.

    Hamas fighters eliminated in the war in Israel – mystery surrounding the whereabouts of the hostages

    Update October 20, 11:47 am: According to a New York Times report, a Hamas leader claims that not all Israeli hostages taken to the Gaza Strip are being held by the terrorist group. Osama Hamdan, a member of Hamas’ political bureau in Lebanon, said in an interview on Thursday (20 October) that no one in the group knows “the exact number” of Israelis detained in Gaza.

    Egypt prepares to open border with Gaza in war in Israel

    First report from October 20, 11:32 am: Tel Aviv – Almost two weeks after Hamas’ attack on southern Israel and the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, humanitarian aid will now be provided to Palestinian civilians. State-affiliated Egyptian TV channel Al Kahera News reported on Thursday, October 19 that the Rafah border crossing would open on Friday, October 20.

    Help for civilians in the war in Israel: Guterres calls for quick help for civilians in Gaza

    The opening was agreed by US President Joe Biden and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. During the night, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres asked for help for civilians in Gaza suffering from the war in Israel. “We need food, water, medicine and fuel immediately. We need this help on a large scale and it must be sustainable,” he said on X (formerly Twitter).

    Israel is carrying out more airstrikes in the war against Hamas

    “As part of the attacks, terrorist infrastructure and weapons were destroyed in a mosque in the Jablia district, which served, among other things, as an observation post and meeting point for terrorists linked to Hamas,” said Israeli Defense. . Forces said (IDF) on X (formerly Twitter). Additionally, Hamas’s top fighter, Amjad Majed Muhammad Abu Odeh, was killed in the war in Israel, Israel reports. He is said to have been involved in the attack on civilians in Israel on October 7.

    Israeli soldiers 2006, history of the war in IsraelSee series of photos

    However, Israel wants to avoid civilian casualties in the planned ground offensive in Gaza. Israeli army spokesman Arye Sharuz Shalicar said this, according to Portal news agency. “We don’t want to see any deaths on our side. “We do not want to see any deaths among civilians in the Gaza Strip,” he said in an RTL broadcast.

    Second front in the war: Israel responds to Hezbollah attacks in Lebanon

    Fighting also continues in the north of the country. Israel carried out new airstrikes against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon overnight. They are a reaction to new rocket launches by the militia, reports the Arabic news portal Al Jazeera.

    According to the American news channel CNN, Israel managed to arrest Hamas spokesman Hassan Yousef during an operation in the West Bank. Yousef is suspected of “acting on behalf of Hamas,” Israeli domestic intelligence agency Shin Bet said. According to CNN, Yousef is a prominent Palestinian political figure who serves as a spokesman for Hamas in the West Bank. (ms/AFP)