War in the Middle East live Israeli attacks on Lebanon

War in the Middle East, live: Israeli attacks on Lebanon | Israel Hamas conflict

The Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip do not stop

He The Israeli army continues to attack various points in the Gaza Strip by land, sea and air. particularly in the center and south, while continuing to conduct operations against militiamen, military infrastructure and the group's underground network.

According to a military spokesman, the troops carried out an attack in the last few hours “Successful elimination of Hamas terrorists in joint activities.” Land, Sea and Air” in the Gaza Strip.

“Over the past day, air forces carried out a series of strikes against terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip as part of support to ground forces “Underground terrorist infrastructure, military sites and missile launch sites were attacked.” Hamas, he added.

In the center of the Gaza Strip, the army killed “several terrorists” last day, including “a Commander of Hamas observation activities.”

“Aside from that, An Israeli naval vessel identified terrorists approaching forces in the areawhereupon the air and naval forces attacked and eliminated the terror cell,” the Army said.

Also the soldiers They continued their ground operation in Khan Yunis, in the south of the enclave, where “they continue to kill terrorists and carry out selective raids.”