War in the Middle East Who are Israels enemies who

War in the Middle East: Who are Israel’s enemies, who are the… The Press

Israel is preparing a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. There is growing concern that the conflict in the region will spread to more fronts. In the podcast, Thomas Vieregge talks about Israel’s neighbors and its enemies and allies, from Iran, Turkey and Russia to the USA.

Israel’s greatest enemy is Iran. Head of State Ali Khamenei emphasized that he would like to kiss the feet of Hamas in gratitude for the attack on Israel. However, the State denies having supported Hamas. While Israel prepares the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip, Hamas calls for the mobilization of the Arab world. Therefore, concerns about a war on multiple fronts are increasing. From which side does Israel have anything to fear? Thomas Vieregge, long-time foreign policy expert at “Presse”, answers this in this episode.

Guests: Thomas Vieregge, “The Press”
Host: Ana Wallner
Cut: Audiofunnel/Aaron Olsacher

More on the subject:
>>> Iran, Qatar, Türkiye: Hamas helpers
>>> Flights practically suspended, Austrians wait for “Hercules”
>>> Mareike Enghusen: Israel is preparing for a war on multiple fronts (Premium)

Press Play Info

“Presse Play – What becomes important” is the news podcast of the Austrian daily newspaper “Die Presse”. It appears four times a week, from Tuesday to Friday, every morning at six o’clock.

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