1649195319 War in Ukraine Among these photos of Zelenskyj there are

War in Ukraine: Among these photos of Zelenskyj there are 41 days of war – foreign policy

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin’s (69) war of annihilation changes the world, changes each of us.

Also Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj (44), whose army has been fighting Russian invaders for 41 days, defending the country – and does not want to give in at any price.

The atrocities of Putin’s troops in Bucha, Irpin and Worsel, the war crimes against civilians – torture, terror, cold-blooded murder – left their mark on Zelenskyy. The massacres of the civilian population carried out by Putin’s troops are so brutal, so cold-blooded, so inhumane.

When Zelenskyy entered the Bucha war crimes scene on Monday, the world saw a visibly shaken and beaten president. His face: Marked by pain and sadness.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi on April 4 in Bucha

Volodymyr Zelenskyy on April 4 in Bucha Photo: RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP

During his visit to the small town, where hundreds of civilian bodies had just been found, Zelenskyj had obvious dark circles under his eyes and a full beard. He appeared in a dark green sweater and military camouflage vest and, accompanied by armed security forces, surveyed the wreckage.

Zelenskyj said: “Now look what happens every day (…) (…). These are war crimes and will be recognized by the world as genocide”.

Hardly imaginable. This photo was taken on February 22, two days before the Russian invasion. Selenskyj, clean-shaven, in a suit and tie at a press conference with his Estonian colleague Alar Karis (64).

Just before the war: the Ukrainian president on February 22, 2022 in Kiev

Just before the war: the Ukrainian president on February 22, 2022 in KievPhoto: RELEASE/AFP

There are only 41 days between the two recordings – but it feels like an eternity…