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War in Ukraine, Bannon attacks EU and NATO: "Tragedy is the fault of Brussels, Mariupol worse than Vietnam" Virgilio News

Donald Trump’s ideologue attacks NATO and EU over war in Ukraine and explains how to stop Putin

By: VirgilioNotizie | Published on: 04/21/2022 22:52


The war in Ukraine and what is happening in Mariupol, but also what has already happened in Bucha and in many other Ukrainian cities, would be the fault of the European Union and NATO. Donald Trump’s former strategist was a guest on “Piazzapulita” live on La7 Steve Banon.

During the interview with Corrado Formigli’s program, Bannon pointed the finger at Europe, which was guilty of deceiving Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Bannon against EU and NATO

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon wasted no time blaming Europe, with the EU and NATO in the manager and political scientist’s crosshairs: “The leadership of the EU and NATO has led Ukraine to total destructionit looks like Dresden in 1945 and it’s worse than Vietnam”.

The former banker emphasized that there is a group of criminals in Moscow, but according to Bannon, the Ukrainians have been given false hope of help: “It is a tragedy that the corrupt European elites have inflicted on the Ukrainian people. The fault lies with Moscow, but also with Brussels“.

“We have to ask ourselves why the Ukrainians who ask for help from the EU and NATO every day got it false hope that they would be protected, who would have allies. But sending a few guns, grenades or rockets is not enough. They need Western leadership to force the Russians to negotiate,” Bannon said.

Stop the war, Bannon’s solution

During the interview with “Piazzapulita” Steve Bannon mentioned some possible solutions to end the war in Ukraine: “Europe stops buying gas from the Russians Forcing Vladimir Putin to sit down at the negotiating table”.

War in Ukraine, Bannon attacks EU and NATO: Photo source: ANSASteve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist

According to Bannon, disrupting Russian gas supplies would impoverish the oligarchs and Russia would suffer badly from an economic perspective. “But that won’t happen because the entire European economic structure is based on cheap Russian natural gas,” Bannon continued.

“With Trump in power, that wouldn’t have happened”

The former White House chief strategist then added grist to the mill, noting that nothing like this would have happened under Trump’s leadership: “When Trump was in the White House, there was a strategy for Russia and none of this would have happened“.

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“We had an opportunity to turn Russia into an ally against the Chinese Communist Party, which poses the greatest threat to the Judeo-Christian West and also to Italy,” Bannon added, arguing that the European elites who “gas out Russia wanted, never wanted this alliance”.

Bannon: ‘Putin is Europe’s problem, not Biden’s’

Finally, in response to questions from Corrado Formigli and the studio guests, Bannon explained: “Biden can’t negotiate with Putin, that’s it a European problem. The United States has no vital security interests in relation to this dispute between Ukraine and Russia”.

“This is a European problem, it must be solved by the EU, NATO, Germany and Italy: we must stop the flow of gas and force the Russians to sit at one table,” concluded the former banker.

Steve Banon

Photo source: ANSA