War in Ukraine China could deny access to Ukrainian drones

War in Ukraine: China could deny access to Ukrainian drones GEO

Since the beginning of the Russian offensive, drones have occupied a primary place among the weapons used. This demonstrates the importance of this technology in modern conflicts that are reshuffling the cards of warfare.

On the ground, Russia, and especially Ukraine, do not hesitate to take part in an exchange about the dropping of explosive drones. For Kiev, the production of this equipment requires the mobilization of several groups of volunteers. The latter are responsible for assembling drones for the army.

Except that some technicians are concerned about the attitude of a third player: China. The Asian giant that exported drone parts to Ukraine has a large operational force, Insider reported on Thursday, September 14, 2023. It forces pilots to create an account that allows them to bypass restrictions imposed by the Chinese company DJI can. This giant designs machines for civilian purposes, far from military purposes to which Ukrainian soldiers are subjected.

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Cheap drones

IN PICTURES Weapons used in the war in Ukraine

In addition to its state-of-the-art arsenal provided by the West, such as the F-16 fighter jets or the Caesar guns, Ukraine relies on these small drones in the fight against Russia. A self-made technology, estimated at a few hundred euros, that can be used to avoid radar surveillance. “They allow us to conduct targeted operations with unprecedented precision,” Ukrainian General Zalouzhny, commander in chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, told the JDD last August.

However, the artisanal processes of Ukrainian technicians cannot break away from Chinese technology, which is leading the industry. Which worries a technician from the Adam Tactical Group unit. In the event of an account suspension by Beijing, “all this equipment will become nothing more than a coaster for your coffee,” estimated the person, quoted anonymously by daily The Kyiv Independent.

No activity in the country

At the moment it’s all about fears on the Kiev side. DJI has made no announcement about possible interference in the use of Ukrainian drones. The world’s leading drone manufacturer stopped operations in Russia and Ukraine after the outbreak of war. However, this does not prevent the delivery of its drones to Moscow and Kiev.

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According to Numerama, several networks supporting the two armies are ordering DJI models through Telegram channels. On the Ukrainian side, the army called on its allied countries for donations. Finnish volunteers, a Polish company and even an American startup responded to this request and provided hundreds of DJI drones.

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