War in Ukraine disaster after disaster humanitarian crisis Vienna

War in Ukraine: “disaster after disaster” humanitarian crisis

03/30/2022 09:07 (act 03/30/2022 09:31)

According to the head of the UN World Food Program, David Beasley, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is due to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. "a disaster on top of a disaster".

As a result of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is, according to the head of the UN World Food Program, David Beasley, “a catastrophe upon catastrophe”. ©FADEL SENNA/AFP

As a result of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is, according to the head of the UN World Food Program, David Beasley, “a catastrophe upon catastrophe”.

Even before the war, for example, there were severe famines in Yemen or in some parts of Africa, where it was only with great effort that it was possible to provide enough aid, Beasley told the UN Security Council in New York on Tuesday. . Now the crisis in Ukraine has come on top of that.

War in Ukraine: humanitarian crisis “disaster after disaster”

The country was changed in a few weeks “from the bread basket to bread snakes”. The consequences around the world could be the worst since World War II in terms of feeding the hungry, Beasley warned before the Security Council, which met again to discuss the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.