War in Ukraine Dozens of wounded in Kherson Russian spies

War in Ukraine: Dozens of wounded in Kherson, Russian spies smuggled into Switzerland… an update on the situation

Every day Midi Libre takes stock of the situation in Ukraine. This Sunday, October 8, 2023, discover the latest news surrounding this conflict.

A terrible attack on Kherson and Russian spies have entered Switzerland… After more than a year of war in Ukraine, diplomatic tensions and armed conflicts continue.

Attack on Kherson

Around ten people were injured in a Russian attack in the Kherson region of southern Ukraine on the night from Saturday to Sunday, the regional governor said. “The Kherson region has experienced another terrible night,” Oleksandr Prokudin said on the Telegram platform.


A 27-year-old woman and her nine-month-old baby were among the victims. Several houses and gas pipes were damaged.

According to the regional administration, Russian forces have carried out 59 attacks on Kherson Oblast in the last 24 hours. 19 strike strikes were recorded in the city of the same name and regional capital.

Russian spies in Switzerland

They are mostly accredited diplomats, but they sneak into government affairs and collect valuable information: they are said to be Russian spies between 70 and 80 in Switzerland, which would correspond to a fifth of the European workforce, reports Le Temps.

In its annual report published this summer, the Swiss intelligence service regrets that “Russia’s imperialist ambitions go beyond Ukraine: it wants to exert control in Eastern Europe” and this Dozens of Kremlin agents are monitored very closely, notes Le Monde.

“Of the approximately 220 people accredited as diplomatic or technical/administrative personnel, it is very likely that at least a third still work for the Russian intelligence services,” the report emphasizes.

The secret service attributes this high number of Russian spies to this Sanctions which hinder its diplomatic and strategic maneuvers. To compensate for the measures imposed the invasion of UkraineThe Kremlin would try to obtain information from both sides of the continent, wherever it still has the right to see.