War in Ukraine EU ready for more sanctions against Russia

War in Ukraine, EU ready for more sanctions against Russia

war in Ukraine, The EU “remains ready to act swiftly with further coordinated sanctions” against Russia and Belarus, which have so far taken “significant measures that have had “massive effects on Moscow and Minsk. This was communicated in the draft conclusions of the European Council, which will take place in Brussels the day after tomorrow.

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The wording used in the conclusions (“standby to act quickly…) confirms what High Representative Josep Borrell said yesterday, that the European Council will discuss the matter, but that no further decisions are expected in the short run, at least as of now. However, everything may change according to the evolution of the situation on the ground in Ukraine.

Another package of sanctions would also be justified in terms of communication at this point when it comes to energy: Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis specifically said Russia’s oil imports should be haltedwhich is a more easily replaceable energy source than natural gas.

However, Hungary explicitly stated that there was no consensus among Member States in the field of energyan open position that is probably by no means isolated, as blocking imports of hydrocarbons from Russia would seriously damage several major European economies, starting with Germany’s, but not only.

Yesterday Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said Italy had ‘no vetoes’ and that the Commission proposal is awaited. Renew Europe MEP Sandro Gozi, former UnderSecretary of State for European Affairs, told Adnkronos that an EU mechanism should be approved “now” to compensate companies, sectors and territories bearing the higher costs stemming from EU sanctions surrendered against Russia, along the lines of what was done on the occasion of Brexit.

the Chancellor Olaf Scholz reiterated his rejection of the energy boycott against Russia. “We have to say very clearly: This shouldn’t be a short matter, but a long dispute. And we all have to face it together,” said Scholz, for whom the sanctions that have already been decided by the West are hitting the Russian economy badly, with the risk that further tightening could hurt European economies.