War in Ukraine evacuation evacuation drills aircraft transfer from Moscow

War in Ukraine: evacuation, evacuation drills… aircraft transfer from Moscow raises questions

In recent days, there has been a surge in activity in Russian airspace. And for good reason, since Thursday, March 17, several dozen planes took off from Moscow in an easterly direction, before immediately returning to the Russian capital, arousing curiosity and bewilderment.

The planes will be Russian military aircraft as well as private jets, according to information released by the Huffington Post.

So these flights could be evacuation exercises, the expulsion of high-ranking Russian dignitaries, or even a message from the Kremlin to a form of “declarative escalation,” according to CIOmagazine specializing in geostrategic and military issues.

For other specialists, the frequency of flights would not be surprising, as well as the direction of the aircraft to the east. This direction would indeed be explained by the closure of European airspace, which is prohibited for Russian aircraft.

So many hypotheses, but the real reasons for these trips are still unclear.

Currently, hostilities continue in Ukraine, and these aircraft movements Vladimir Putin condemned “national traitors” and spoke of the “necessary cleansing of society.”

For his part, President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to demand the establishment of a no-fly zone over his country in order to end the bombing of Ukrainian cities by Russian aircraft.