Until Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine eight days ago, the effects continue to be felt in the West. After the threat of nuclear weapons, it is now on the submarine cables that connect the continents to the Internet.
Cutting would cause an eclipse. This nightmarish scenario is increasingly being considered by Westerners, who today face a seemingly unpredictable Kremlin leader.
“Those who would try to hinder us, let alone threaten our country, our people, must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will have consequences you have never experienced before,” he said. .
“No European Internet without submarine cables”
A threat that should not be taken lightly. If these optical highways are cut off, the worst will happen. In fact, computers, smartphones and servers through which financial and economic data pass will be shut down.
In an interview with the Tribune, the director of international networks at Orange said that “without submarine cables, there is no European Internet.”
Underwater spy missions?
In September 2021, the Russian ship Amber, officially oceanographic but unofficially known for conducting transatlantic spy missions, was spotted off the coast of Cotentin, near Normandy. This boat will have a mini submarine capable of diving to a depth of 6000 meters. We also recall that in 2014, the annexation of Crimea was interrupted by cables attributed to Russia.
In a televised address this Thursday (March 3rd), Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “the special military operation is being conducted strictly on schedule, according to plan”, something that further worries the world and Europe.