War in Ukraine, Russian women expressing dissenting opinions. PHOTO
Since the beginning of the conflict, there have not only been street protests that, according to the independent website OVDInfo, have cost almost 15,000 arrests: some wellknown female personalities have also spoken out against the war. This is me
there Invasion War of Ukraine, or “military special operation” as it must be defined in Russia, certainly did not find unanimous support in Moscow. In addition to Thousands arrested to protest against the conflict, there is also some famous women have expressed their opposition to the war
The most famous is Marina Ovsyannikovaa Channel One journalist who made headlines live on the news for her gesture: Ovsyannikova made break in with a sign that says “No War”.“No to war”, and then “Stop the war, don’t believe the propaganda, here they lie to you”
A gesture that has gone and is around the world cost the journalists immediate arrest. He was released after receiving a fine of 30,000 rubles, about 250 euros face up to 15 years imprisonment under the new gag law approved by the Duma